Photos for Charity?


Mad Dave

Original Poster:

7,158 posts

274 months

Tuesday 2nd December 2003
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Hey guys,

Ive had an idea! (i know, i was surprised too!)

Basically, I want to advertise that i'll do portrait/family shots at a low price - basically cost price, plus about £40 which goes to my local charity ( Ive put up a post in Business 2 Business.(

From this little acorn, i got the idea that if i could get amateur (but pretty good) photographers around the country to sign up, I could offer the service to a much larger area - with the closest photographer going to each booking. Any fuel costs would be covered, plus films and developing. Photographers would be giving their time for free as any profits would go directly to the charity.

Would anyone here be interested? Im happy to set up a website for this thing and take the bookings etc (if indeed i got any!)

Good idea?



simpo two

87,877 posts

276 months

Wednesday 3rd December 2003
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I think that if other photographers wanted to work for charity, they'd want to choose their own charity. Apart from that, good luck!

Mad Dave

Original Poster:

7,158 posts

274 months

Thursday 4th December 2003
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You're probably right. In theory I cant see a problem with that. The advantage of teaming up with me would be that I handled all the boring stuff, they just have to turn up and take the pics!


131 posts

261 months

Thursday 4th December 2003
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As much as I approve of the sentiment, I have to say, don't do it . . . you'll just be taking work away from the guys who do it for a living.

Mad Dave

Original Poster:

7,158 posts

274 months

Thursday 4th December 2003
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Like Robin Hood? Rob from the rich, give to the needy

I dont think i would either - im not THAT good, im an amateur and people would be made aware of that. Thanks for pointing that out though, i hadnt thought of that.