Server Up Time?



Original Poster:

801 posts

273 months

Monday 1st December 2003
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Where do I find server up time on Windows Server 2003? I assume it will be the same as Windows 2000, but I don't know that either...


3,811 posts

275 months

Monday 1st December 2003
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dunno about Win"K or Win 2003, but for NT there was a utility on the resource disk called uptime.exe



67,280 posts

281 months

Monday 1st December 2003
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Only Microsoft could have a utility to calculate the uptime of a machine...

Most other manfacturers see five 9's as a requirement rather than a nice to have...

I would have thought it would be easier to count the number of minutes it was down?


Original Poster:

801 posts

273 months

Monday 1st December 2003
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Don't knock it Win 2003 Server is pretty stable... Does anyone know the answer to the uptime question though?


10,857 posts

278 months

Monday 1st December 2003
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Quick and dirty method:

Go to Task Manager.

Click View, Select Columns.

Add CPU Time. Click OK.

Look for System Idle Process - that will tell you how many hours the server has been running.


126 posts

274 months

Monday 1st December 2003
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Plotloss said:
Only Microsoft could have a utility to calculate the uptime of a machine...

type "uptime" on any *nix OS


12,058 posts

275 months

Monday 1st December 2003
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Start Menu > Programs > Accessories > System tools > System information.

If you're a "lock it and hope" type person, just press Ctrl-alt-del and it'll show you when you logged on.


30,647 posts

295 months

Monday 1st December 2003
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There must be a more direct way to find it, but it's published (as OID via the SNMP agent if you have that running. WHich will be no help at all unless you happen to have an SNMP client to hand ...


4,965 posts

265 months

Monday 1st December 2003
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I believe you still need to use uptime.exe.
The NT 4.0 sp4 version certainly works on Win2003.
It's available from the MS site -



7,848 posts

271 months

Monday 1st December 2003
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Plotloss said:
Only Microsoft could have a utility to calculate the uptime of a machine...

Not quite;

slbs137{root}273: uptime
5:11pm up 71 day(s), 14:58, 3 users, load average: 2.04, 2.04, 2.03


Original Poster:

801 posts

273 months

Monday 1st December 2003
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_DJ_ said:
I believe you still need to use uptime.exe.
The NT 4.0 sp4 version certainly works on Win2003.
It's available from the MS site -


Have you tested this, I don't suddenly want to switch to downtime


10,857 posts

278 months

Tuesday 2nd December 2003
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It works on XP and W2K, so I guess it will work on 2003.

Its a 32 bit app so if it crashes it won't take the server with it.

Run the DOS box in its own memory space if you're paranoid.


4,965 posts

265 months

Tuesday 2nd December 2003
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xsaravtr said:

_DJ_ said:
I believe you still need to use uptime.exe.
The NT 4.0 sp4 version certainly works on Win2003.
It's available from the MS site - <a href=""><a href=""></a></a>


Have you tested this, I don't suddenly want to switch to downtime

Yep, I've tested it (thus the 'certainly works on Windows 2003' quote!)

It it makes you feel better:

Current System Uptime: 1 day(s), 12 hour(s), 25 minute(s), 6 second(s)


Since 09/09/2003:

System Availability: 98.1088%
Total Uptime: 82d 5h:35m:16s
Total Downtime: 1d 14h:2m:39s
Total Reboots: 24
Mean Time Between Reboots: 3.49 days
Total Bluescreens: 0

(note: the machine is in my development environment so the uptime does not reflect the reliability of the OS!).

Edited to add:

E:Documents and Settings\_DJ_>ver

Microsoft Windows [Version 5.2.3718]

>> Edited by _DJ_ on Tuesday 2nd December 10:35


917 posts

263 months

Tuesday 2nd December 2003
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Totally amazes me what utter shite MS products really are. Netware (that real Server that no-one buys..sadly)has uptime available for you to see. Also 2003 server now has an un-delete function, wow only taken them 10 years to get that feature sorted, it's been in netware since the dark ages. Just remember all of the the MS server products are the workstation version made to look like a server, that's why they are flakey and un-secure.


12,058 posts

275 months

Tuesday 2nd December 2003
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Go and buy a copy of 2003 Small business server. It's very good from what 'ive seen of it.

Novell will only be competitive when windows can log into it without having to install a client, or they write their own OS.
2000 is piss for web stuff though. Windows internally, not externally.


11,669 posts

261 months

Tuesday 2nd December 2003
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Mate of mine used to work for Digital and went out to install an extra SCSI card in a VMS box to allow for a disk upgrade.

Onsite it took the customer the best part of 30 minutes to actually find the box - it was installed in a cupboard under some stairs.

Turned out it had been up for over 7 years! - I kid you not!

Nearly broke his heart to power it down for the upgrade....



30,647 posts

295 months

Tuesday 2nd December 2003
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There are probably lots of similar stories but this one sounds very similar:


1,893 posts

277 months

Tuesday 2nd December 2003
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xsaravtr said:
Don't knock it Win 2003 Server is pretty stable... Does anyone know the answer to the uptime question though?
maybe stable but its as secure as a hookers underwere.


970 posts

270 months

Thursday 4th December 2003
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agent006 said:
buy a copy of 2003 Small business server.

...people actually buy it


6,555 posts

295 months

Friday 5th December 2003
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GreenV8S said:
There are probably lots of similar stories but this one sounds very similar:

I was just about to mention that...

Netware 4x was the downfall.

. Re all this bollocks about microsoft operating systems being full of holes..

It is true, out of the box MS O/S are hardly secure, however it is not that hard to lock them down to a very safe level, and if run in a secure environment with secure apps then they are pretty secure.

Install a vanilla version of red hat with everything installed to default and see how secure that is..
