anyone playing prince of persia sands of time?

anyone playing prince of persia sands of time?



Original Poster:

1,844 posts

279 months

Sunday 30th November 2003
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I have just started it and am stuck allready. Got passed the swirly blades in the water. Ran across the walls, jumped from column to column but just cant get up the statues head. i'm stuck at the top where you have to run up the wall and jump from side to side. Any hints? I dont want a cheat code to get me through the level just a hint thats all.


9,670 posts

268 months

Tuesday 2nd December 2003
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I hope that this is the right version.

It is a full walk through for the X-box version...


7,483 posts

267 months

Wednesday 3rd December 2003
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I've just been playing the Original Prince of Persia on my old Amiga and have come to the following conclusions:

1. It's feckin difficult!
2. The Sultan's daughter, despite being only 16x64 pixels is 'a bit of a babe'


804 posts

263 months

Saturday 6th December 2003
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if you are where i think you are, go back to the edge with the blades are and instead of jumping off look for the ledges and work your way along the ledges, you will have to jump from ledge to ledge