Where's the little red flags gone?

Where's the little red flags gone?



Original Poster:

52,871 posts

292 months

Friday 2nd February 2001
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You know, the ones that tell me if I have read a thread previously or if it has a new posting in it? Rich...


34,443 posts

311 months

Friday 2nd February 2001
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Still there. Can you still not see them?


1,850 posts

292 months

Friday 2nd February 2001
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only at the top level ('Gassing Station') ------ T11SCN ------

Graham and Rosie

850 posts

292 months

Friday 2nd February 2001
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I still get them everywhere - are you sure you are "logged in" as I had a similar problem when I changed my profile, I had to log in, tell the system to remember me and all was OK (at least I think that is all I did!) Graham and Rosie ================ Graham and Rosie


Original Poster:

52,871 posts

292 months

Friday 2nd February 2001
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Yep - it's all right again now. I'll log in properly next time! R...