Film encoding question



Original Poster:

18,972 posts

266 months

Friday 28th November 2003
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I hope someone here will be able to help me.

I'm encoding a film using TMPEGenc. I want to play it on my TV and it's not one of those modern widescreen things. So do i need to encode it in 4:3 PAL, and also if i want it full screen there are a few options such as:

full screen
full screen (keep aspect ratio 1)
full screen (keep aspect ratio 2)

Do i go for full screen (keep aspect ratio 1)?

Is it usually necessary to muck around with any other settings such as the horizontal and vertical and the matrices, to clean up the picture.

Appreciate any help.

Thanks Gary


8,290 posts

259 months

Saturday 29th November 2003
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I'm not over familiar with TMPGEnc.... but do a great deal of work with TV/Video.

What format of video are you starting with? Widescreen or standard?

If you are starting with widescreen and you want to convert it to standard 4:3, all you need to do is apply a 16:9 Letterbox format (black bars top and bottom) to achieve it.

Feel free to email me if I can help any further....


90,133 posts

295 months

Saturday 29th November 2003
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g4ry13 said:

full screen
full screen (keep aspect ratio 1)
full screen (keep aspect ratio 2)

Do i go for full screen (keep aspect ratio 1)?

Use Full Screen Aspect Ratio 1 - The video is expanded to fill the screen, but aspect ratio is preserved. Black bars will be added if aspect ratios do not match.

This should not prove a problem if you have a Full screen film, but if there is a little difference it won't stretch the picture to fit, just add a very narrow black bar. It's the best result you will get.


Original Poster:

18,972 posts

266 months

Saturday 29th November 2003
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Thanks for the replies. I went for:

No margin(keep aspect ratio)

I know it wasn't in the list of optons i gave you, but i got it off this site and it should work nicely without looking stretched on my TV.

Thanks again for the help.