Internet Explorer 5.5



Original Poster:

25,179 posts

295 months

Friday 28th November 2003
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Is there any way to install IE5.5 alongside my current IE6? I have a browser plug-in that only works with 5.5 (don't ask, just don't ask...) which I want to use to show content.

Assuming it is possible, where is the best place to get a copy of IE5.5?


48,927 posts

259 months

Friday 28th November 2003
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It's very very hard to get hold of IE5.5 on the internet - you won't find it on any MS site or site with associations to MS. My suggestions would be to check old cover CDs from magasines etc.

I doubt you can use both versions either - you may need to dual-boot your machine, which is easy for a techy - but I don't know your expertise level


Original Poster:

25,179 posts

295 months

Friday 28th November 2003
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puggit said:
I doubt you can use both versions either - you may need to dual-boot your machine, which is easy for a techy - but I don't know your expertise level
Thanks for the advice: I reckon I'm at the 'competent but timid' techy level.

If it helps the content/html I need to display with IE5.5 is all local to my PC; I could even cope with the browser executing from CDROM/removable disk. However, it looks like I won't be able to get hold of a copy anyway (I'm not sufficiently techy to have ever bought a PC magazine ).

Oh well, looks like I'll be breaking my old laptop out of retirement (which does have IE5.5) and carrying both around.


48,927 posts

259 months

Friday 28th November 2003
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Well - if you're feeling plucky this weekend:

Basically, you need an extra volume for the 2nd operating system (ie a drive letter). You can share one hard drive for this.
Stick the OS CD in the drive, and choose to install to the 2nd volume.
Really is that easy - just take a backup 1st

Bare in mind that if the OS installs IE 6.0 then it was a pointless excerise. There is no problem having both OS's the same.


1,413 posts

270 months

Friday 28th November 2003
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Easy peasy

All free*, relatively easy & no dual boot nonsense, either. There's a list of IE5.5 download mirrors on the first link.

edit to add *but you could always make a small sponsorship donation towards my next expedition

>> Edited by polar_ben on Friday 28th November 17:46