Excel question


Big Al.

Original Poster:

69,185 posts

269 months

Thursday 27th November 2003
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Hi Guy's, got a problem with Excel and need some help.

I complied a simple spreadsheet on my works PC.

Emailed it back home, opened the spreadsheet on my home PC.

Now when I look at the data in a cell it read 1234.00
No problems.
Now I add another row and enter a value of 4321.00 enter the information and it will only display 43.21 . Doesn’t matter what I do to the cell format it will not enter the number I type in the cell, it keeps displaying as XX.XX type format.

Any suggestions as to what's causing the problem.


12,820 posts

265 months

Thursday 27th November 2003
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what happens if you delete the contents of the cell, format the cell as you want it and then type the data back in?

Big Al.

Original Poster:

69,185 posts

269 months

Friday 28th November 2003
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DustyC said:
what happens if you delete the contents of the cell, format the cell as you want it and then type the data back in?

Nothing! 4321 will only enter as 43.21

Again I just tried to enter in the cell 432199 and 4321.99 is the cell value.


12,820 posts

265 months

Friday 28th November 2003
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excuse me if Im telling you to suck eggs but...

Are you right clicking on the cell, selecting "format cell", and then choosing the desired number format from the category list?

Big Al.

Original Poster:

69,185 posts

269 months

Friday 28th November 2003
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DustyC said:
excuse me if Im telling you to suck eggs but...

Are you right clicking on the cell, selecting "format cell", and then choosing the desired number format from the category list?

Yep! done all that. The only way I can get it to read 4321 is to use the text format, but that causes problems with formulas.


12,820 posts

265 months

Friday 28th November 2003
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Is there a formula writing to that cell?
Perhaps thats the issue.

Im more of an ex-pert than an expert but just thought Id try and help since all the clever ones are tucked up in bed!


32,091 posts

261 months

Friday 28th November 2003
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what version of excel did you use at work, and what version of excel are you using at home?

There maybe something in the translation ?

Big Al.

Original Poster:

69,185 posts

269 months

Friday 28th November 2003
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DustyC said:
Is there a formula writing to that cell?
Perhaps thats the issue.

Nope! empty cell no formulas, all cells are empty and all read the same 43.21! instead of 4321

Ed to add,

Thanks anyway Dusty. Oh

>> Edited by Big Al. on Friday 28th November 10:25

Big Al.

Original Poster:

69,185 posts

269 months

Friday 28th November 2003
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tonyhetherington said:
what version of excel did you use at work, and what version of excel are you using at home?

There maybe something in the translation ?

I can see where you are coming from (oo err) but it dosent seem to matter in as much that, if I create a new spread sheet at home I encounter the same problem. The problem appears to be with my home PC.


4,656 posts

295 months

Friday 28th November 2003
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So are you saying that if you just click on new workbook, enter 4321 and hit enter you get 43.21 displayed in the cell?

Try entering the following in another cell:




Where A1 is the cell where 43.21 is. What to they show?

Big Al.

Original Poster:

69,185 posts

269 months

Friday 28th November 2003
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Hi, can't tell you that until this evening when I get home....watch this space!


32,091 posts

261 months

Friday 28th November 2003
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You don't have some weird number format set in "Regional Settings" do you? This is a general PC thing, not an excel thing.

This is truly an ODD problem! Have you tried the MKB ?


3,544 posts

273 months

Friday 28th November 2003
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Try "Tools", "Options" click on the Edit tab and make sure the 'Fixed Decimal' box is unchecked. If not any value you enter will get decimalled to 2 places (or whatever the specified value is set to)


12,820 posts

265 months

Friday 28th November 2003
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hut49 said:
Try "Tools", "Options" click on the Edit tab and make sure the 'Fixed Decimal' box is unchecked. If not any value you enter will get decimalled to 2 places (or whatever the specified value is set to)

AHA! That sounds like the one!
Go home now and try it and put my mind at rest!
(you can tell I dont have much going on today!)


3,838 posts

280 months

Friday 28th November 2003
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Also check that you don't have a weird number format applied. I've been caught out by a spreadsheet that formatted some numbers into millions and others weren't, it made for some very weird calculations as it's not apparent what's going on.

Big Al.

Original Poster:

69,185 posts

269 months

Friday 28th November 2003
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hut49 said:
Try "Tools", "Options" click on the Edit tab and make sure the 'Fixed Decimal' box is unchecked. If not any value you enter will get decimalled to 2 places (or whatever the specified value is set to)

Spot on Nick, "Fixed decimal point" couldn't see the wood from the trees

Won't make that mistake again. OH