Non Intel computer cluster



Original Poster:

1,358 posts

268 months

Thursday 27th November 2003
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The National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) researchers now have 70 PlayStation2 consoles running Linux as a cluster using an Ethernet network.
Some of the tools commonly found on more traditional high-performance computing clusters have been integrated into the system, including the Message Passing Interface (MPI), which allows the individual consoles to communicate with each other and execute application across all of the machines simultaneously, and the Portable Batch System (PBS) and Maui Scheduler, which manage jobs on cluster systems.

Regards John S


12,425 posts

277 months

Thursday 27th November 2003
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One geek at work proposed to use a cluster made of Microsoft X-Boxes (which are subsidised by MS in order to establish them on the game console market) for cheap computing power for extensive renderings - on a custom setup with Linux


1,826 posts

286 months

Thursday 27th November 2003
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Bodo said:
One geek at work proposed to use a cluster made of Microsoft X-Boxes (which are subsidised by MS in order to establish them on the game console market) for cheap computing power for extensive renderings - on a custom setup with Linux

Don't laugh - friend of mine has been running RH9 on an Xbox with an upgraded 80Gb HDD for about 12 months instead of having a PC at home......


11,669 posts

261 months

Friday 28th November 2003
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Kids eh!

superb, thanks for posting the link!



67,280 posts

281 months

Friday 28th November 2003
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There was a gardener or some such running a Beowulf cluster of 220 Pentium II machines. He had no use for it but put two together and found it fun and didnt stop.

He now has in his basement one of the top 20 fastest computers on earth...

You've gotta love the public sometimes...


25,179 posts

295 months

Friday 28th November 2003
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And it still hasn't solved PuzzleDonkey.

Mr E

22,319 posts

270 months

Friday 28th November 2003
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Bodo said:
One geek at work proposed to use a cluster made of Microsoft X-Boxes (which are subsidised by MS in order to establish them on the game console market) for cheap computing power for extensive renderings - on a custom setup with Linux

Sounds like a very sensible idea to me.

I'm considering a cluster of about 10 ultra 10s and two quad CPU ultra 80s as a replacement for our current setup. Should be faster, and a lot more reliable....


11,669 posts

261 months

Friday 28th November 2003
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There's some XBox clustering stuff here...

Still, all very kool - but what do you do with it when its running? - 'Hey honey wanna come up and see my XBox cluster?'
