Windowns XP home Network Probs
I just got a new laptop, i am having probs with getting the Network working it is not obtaining the ip address from the DHCP server and wont connect to the net either
anyone got any ideas
tried reinstalling op sys but got me nothing
PS i am missing something but i dont know what
anyone got any ideas
tried reinstalling op sys but got me nothing
PS i am missing something but i dont know what
stc_bennett said:
It a Netgear router
Yep the laptop is setup to get IPauto and to search for proxy auto in internet explorer but dont work
have a look in My Network - it could be that there has been a bridge connection made. If this is the case, especially if you have built-in modem, LAN, Wifi connections, you should delete the bridge connection.
Took me a while to figure out that this was causing the problem for my network.
Don't forget to reboot the laptop to pickup a new IP address.
>> Edited by sybaseian on Thursday 27th November 00:00
Are you trying to connect wirelessly? I presume all other network connections are working properly, if not it's not a laptop specific problem.
One numpty suggestion from me (having been caught out by it) at the networking wizard, choose Other rather than the Connect to a Network button. Don't know why, because it then asks pretty much the same questions, but it worked for me.
One numpty suggestion from me (having been caught out by it) at the networking wizard, choose Other rather than the Connect to a Network button. Don't know why, because it then asks pretty much the same questions, but it worked for me.
FourWheelDrift said:
stc_bennett said:
Its an XP problem either on wireless or cabled but its started working now i removed my Flash card reader
dunno why but working now????
just a little confused
Had XP created a network bridge?
>> Edited by FourWheelDrift on Friday 28th November 14:15
Already suggested that...
FourWheelDrift said:
Oh, didn't notice it at the end of your para....doh!
I only mentioned it because it's the one thing I have to get rid of everytime I set up a connection on a PC with a network card and other (mainly IEEE connection).
Mine does the same - took me a while to figure out that the bridge was not picking up an IP address from my DHCP server and was defaulting to Haven't had any problems since I deleted the bridge. I've never had a network problem with my Linux box, just my XP box.....
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