E-commerce targeted by blackmailers

E-commerce targeted by blackmailers



Original Poster:

48,927 posts

259 months

Wednesday 26th November 2003
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Russia has high net access and low regulation
Law enforcement agencies are investigating an increasing number of reports of organised criminal gangs carrying out denial-of-service (DDos) attacks - with the specific intention of blackmailing companies.
A DDos attack, of the kind that brought down the
WorldPay system earlier this month, floods a website with computer-generated requests.

Now, some organised criminals are using the threat of inflicting such an attack, which can cost vast amounts of money to the company, as a means of extortion.

(much more in link)


67,280 posts

281 months

Wednesday 26th November 2003
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Inevitable and neccesary part of web evolution IMHO


9,396 posts

269 months

Wednesday 26th November 2003
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It is those that pay up which make the scam work as with all forms of blackmail