

Original Poster:

52,871 posts

292 months

Thursday 1st February 2001
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Well I tried this - set it up as described on the link from Pistonhead's and drove past a few local Gatsos - but as far as I can see it DON'T WORK. Anyone else had any luck? Rich...


65 posts

287 months

Thursday 1st February 2001
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Nope i have a 7110 but i got my mate to try on his 3110 and he said it didnt work. Im waiting to hear from my other mate with his 9110, will let you know......

Alan P

2 posts

292 months

Saturday 17th February 2001
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It nonsense. What it actually does is setup a closed user group between other users. it has nothing to do with Gatso's, radar detectors or any sort of speed cameras.