GPL controls



Original Poster:

16,372 posts

295 months

Tuesday 25th November 2003
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can you use gpl with the keyboard only i carnt seem to get it to accept any steering controls..

running on win xp


6,983 posts

274 months

Tuesday 25th November 2003
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Yep, GPL should work with a keyboard although its far far easier to use a wheel if you can!!


Original Poster:

16,372 posts

295 months

Tuesday 25th November 2003
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mmm somthing odd i can only get it to work with the keypad controls....

and blimey the cars are almost impossible to control, the best ive managed so far is 2 corners in a row !!!


11,956 posts

281 months

Tuesday 25th November 2003
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Get a wheel you tight git


3,924 posts

261 months

Wednesday 26th November 2003
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download one!!


Original Poster:

16,372 posts

295 months

Wednesday 26th November 2003
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dragstar said:
download one!!

download a what ?

so far i've bought 3 wheels over the last few years and they've all beden sh1t / broken really quickly...

the last one was really nice a 360 moderna but just stopped working one day..



4,274 posts

274 months

Wednesday 26th November 2003
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I would recommend Logitech - I've had Wingman Formula Force since '99 and it's still going. I did pay £100 for it though (reduced from £130) so you get what you pay for. The Logitech MOMO is available for about £70, which is supposed to be good.


1,845 posts

287 months

Wednesday 26th November 2003
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Graham said:
blimey the cars are almost impossible to control, the best ive managed so far is 2 corners in a row !!!

Welcome to the wonderful frustration that is learning to drive GPL cars. It is incredibly difficult with a keyboard tho, you need to be able to steer on the throttle and gradually increase or decrease the lock whilst steering. You need at least a joystick or joypard with proportional movements for this.

The keyboard is all or nothing.

Check the GPL websites and there are setups for each car that you can download which make them much easier to control


5,786 posts

275 months

Wednesday 26th November 2003
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AJLintern said:
I would recommend Logitech - I've had Wingman Formula Force since '99 and it's still going. I did pay £100 for it though (reduced from £130) so you get what you pay for. The Logitech MOMO is available for about £70, which is supposed to be good.

I brought a few thrustmater wheels and they broke within 3 months. Logitech is the way forward, they feel quality and are quality, improve your lap times no end!


11,956 posts

281 months

Wednesday 26th November 2003
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Thrustmaster Ferrari force feed back wheel I have.

Still working well over a year later


3,924 posts

261 months


4,330 posts

281 months

Wednesday 26th November 2003
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dragstar said:
download a wheel of course!


<a href=""></a>

Is that URL right. I just get a 404.

edited to add just incase you thought I was serious

>> Edited by liszt on Wednesday 26th November 11:32


Original Poster:

16,372 posts

295 months

Wednesday 26th November 2003
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dragstar said:
download a wheel of course!


me tight i'll have you know i went to pc world and paid 2.99 for my copy of GPL....


3,924 posts

261 months

Wednesday 26th November 2003
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i downloaded mine!!


14,055 posts

290 months

Wednesday 26th November 2003
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Swapping from a gamepad to a steering wheel has resulted in a dramatic fall in form for me sadly. I shall be mostly disposing of the last and next 3 results I suspect (if we are still taking the best 12) while I get used to the damn thing.



3,924 posts

261 months

Wednesday 26th November 2003
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3,924 posts

261 months

Wednesday 26th November 2003
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i was looking frantically, for my keyboard last night

didnt find it though

it was in me shower

i know for next time though


4,330 posts

281 months

Wednesday 26th November 2003
quotequote all
dragstar said:
i was looking frantically, for my keyboard last night

didnt find it though

it was in me shower

i know for next time though

NURSE, The pills!!


3,924 posts

261 months

Wednesday 26th November 2003
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no, no, no!

i tend to "post" when a bit lashed, so before i started drinking, i hid the board. upon getting to the "lashed" stage, i proceeded to locate, said keyboard.

i was beaten though