iPAQ moving time zones



Original Poster:

1,153 posts

258 months

Tuesday 25th November 2003
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How do you change the time zone on an iPAQ without all your appointments going haywire ?

I've got appointments in Sweden, USA and Italy within the next month and can't get the time zones correct. Appointments move to 3AM and other silly times.

Is there a known patch for this ?


4,656 posts

295 months

Tuesday 25th November 2003
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I have the same problem so if you find a way to fix it them please let me know

In the meantime I've taken to putting all of my appointments in local time and leaving the time zone unchanged when I go abroad. The limitation of this is that the remiders do not work correctly but at least I can still see a summary of my appointments on the home page with the correct start times.