Installing new hardware under Linux

Installing new hardware under Linux



Original Poster:

7,156 posts

288 months

Monday 24th November 2003
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From Roop:

Suse linux 8 + new user = How do you install new hardware.

He has put in a PCMCIA to PCI bridge and PCMCIA WiFi card and Linux isnt recoginseing it. Any ideas....?



8,894 posts

278 months

Monday 24th November 2003
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Download SuSE 9 and that will recognise it.

Do a search on google and you should be able to get it via ftp for free.


12,425 posts

277 months

Monday 24th November 2003
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download SuSE 9.0 here

or browse the SuSE support database for "PCMCIA"

Problems with PCMCIA in SuSE Linux 8.0
PCMCIA Does Not Work

although I'm not sure, if PCMCIA cards on PCI adapters aren't treated like PCI cards

Building an access point?


Original Poster:

7,156 posts

288 months

Monday 24th November 2003
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Thanks guys.

Nothing to do with me - I find windoze hard enough. Just having a play around with it to be honest.



1,186 posts

282 months

Tuesday 25th November 2003
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PCMCIA Wireless card support on Linux tends to be a little sparse.

You will need the wireless-tools and pcmcia-cs packages installed, for starters.

If you can find out what chipset the card uses, we may be able to help further, but I spent quite some time a couple of years back getting a wireless connection up on a Mandrake 9.0 box (or perhaps it was Mandrake 8.x then ).

Have a look in /var/log/messages, and it may tell you more, or do "dmesg" after plugging the card in, or use "lspci", or once you have pcmcia-cs installed, "cardctl ident".