Just a quickie...



Original Poster:

4,001 posts

293 months

Monday 24th November 2003
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Trying to defrag an old 98 machine wont have it it won't go past scan disk phase. Yes I've done all the normal etc.

I want to defrag it in dos but can't remember the file name for a doss defrag program and where it resides on the drive. Any thoughts folks...


67,280 posts

281 months

Monday 24th November 2003
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Theres no DOS DeFrag in 9x, all that running the defragger from a dos window does is start the same defragger in the Windows shell.

Whats the problem you are trying to overcome? Perhaps there is another way to defur this moggie?


Original Poster:

4,001 posts

293 months

Monday 24th November 2003
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when you run the defrag it does a scan before actually starting the defrag operation. It keeps failing the scan as the disc info changes. I've stopped all the tasks except explorer and it still does it.

I'll probebly try something like disc keeper on it and see if that works.


67,280 posts

281 months

Monday 24th November 2003
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Stop all processes in the CRTL+ALT+DEL screen then do a scanreg /fix (in the run box) and then try again.

If that doesnt work downloading something Norton like from Kazaa should sort it.


3,838 posts

280 months

Monday 24th November 2003
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I had a W98 box that refused to run defrag no matter what I shut down. In the end I rebooted in safe mode and ran it from there with no problems.


Original Poster:

4,001 posts

293 months

Monday 24th November 2003
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safe mode I'll give that a bash