


Original Poster:

252 posts

285 months

Friday 22nd February 2002
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I've got a feeling this is going to be a controversial subject, but I have to air my views on........

Mother and child spaces in car parks!

To alienate myself further (all mothers and sensitive people stop reading now), I have to say I don't like children.

There - I've said it!

I really object to "Parent & Child" parking spaces in supermarket car parks - why should they get extra room?

The country is getting smaller and the population is getting larger - why do the government continue to grant favours to "people with families"?

[sounding like a hippy now] - "I always park in parent and child spaces if I can - I'm not going ot be penalised for not raping Mother Earths resources!"



2,748 posts

290 months

Saturday 23rd February 2002
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On the other hand, if they park there, there's less chance of their doors dinging your pride and joy as three year old Rebecca flings one of them open...


7,803 posts

276 months

Saturday 23rd February 2002
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Parent and child spaces are very uncool. I've blagged a disabled badge off my mum. Its got a picture of my gran on it but I just turn it over and leave it on the dash. So now I park by the door, get out of porsche limp a bit and go shopping, great. Grey hair helps!!


39,731 posts

290 months

Saturday 23rd February 2002
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shamus, I am so with you on this, I go to Tesco's because I have to buy food/beer/wine etc I don't go there to be told where the f**k I can park....I get told what to do at work not at the f**king shop. Mind you some of the snide comments are funny, on overhearing a bloke saying to his fat wife ' they must have a kid in the boot' wifey spoke to the boot 'shhh we'll be back soon'

Mon Ami Mate

6,589 posts

274 months

Saturday 23rd February 2002
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Ah, political correctness. I wonder how long it'll take before we reminisce over all this with incredulity.

One of my hobby horses at the moment is the car park at a huge new shopping mall in Uxbridge. It has five floors and about 30 (yes, count them!) disabled spaces on each floor!!!

So people drive around for hours looking for a space, getting jolly baity, whilst there are normally about 140 perfectly serviceable spaces that are out of bounds because Tony's vegetables say so...


11,915 posts

273 months

Saturday 23rd February 2002
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Hmmm..... don't want to be classed as a negative t@@#er here guys, but If you have any relative or friend who is disabled you might be a bit more hacked off about people who park in disabled spaces who have no right to.....


996 posts

289 months

Saturday 23rd February 2002
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Ah, political correctness. I wonder how long it'll take before we reminisce over all this with incredulity.

One of my hobby horses at the moment is the car park at a huge new shopping mall in Uxbridge. It has five floors and about 30 (yes, count them!) disabled spaces on each floor!!!

So people drive around for hours looking for a space, getting jolly baity, whilst there are normally about 140 perfectly serviceable spaces that are out of bounds because Tony's vegetables say so...

Spot on! I live nearby and the way that car park has been designed and the spaces allocated is pants.

Fisher Price have made better toy car parks.

Mon Ami Mate

6,589 posts

274 months

Saturday 23rd February 2002
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Leithen - there is no excuse for parking in a disabled space. But stupid design actually devalues these spaces and makes people treat them contempt.


11,915 posts

273 months

Saturday 23rd February 2002
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Leithen - there is no excuse for parking in a disabled space. But stupid design actually devalues these spaces and makes people treat them contempt.

I agree entirely Mon Ami - a lot of the design problems around disabled access and provision lies with the planning authorities and their interpretation of the recently amended 95 disablilty legislation.

I'm in the pub business as well having farming interests (ducks) and the latest legislation threatens to force us to make big changes to several of our bars.

The planning authorities are yet to take a formal view of the changes to legislation, but to put it in a nutshell, if you offer any form of service to the public anyone who is disabled has to have 100% equal access to everything. You can be creative with this - training staff to understand the needs of those with disability can avoid the need for everything to be at waist-height. But it is still a big change from the original legislation where there were many exemptions.

Whilst we dislike the cost implications of any changes we are going to make, we can't argue with the principle - especially if we imagine how we would feel if we were suddenly disabled......


15,605 posts

274 months

Saturday 23rd February 2002
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What about town parking ? im working in malmesbury i think the trend is to drive through the high st knock the car into neutral and where it stops leave it ! not only that some inconsiderate w*nker decided that he/she/oap could not fit in the parking space behind my van so tried to move it forward by bumper to bumper and pushed it in


2,977 posts

290 months

Saturday 23rd February 2002
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Ah yes. The Newton's Cradle School of Parking. Amazing how many people it seems ot have trained. They're down here where I live too....


2,238 posts

289 months

Saturday 23rd February 2002
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I'm in the pub business as well having farming interests (ducks)


So how big is this Duck Farm of yours then?


14,656 posts

289 months

Saturday 23rd February 2002
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One problem with 'mother and child' spaces, even though they're usually wider, is the drivers. Mothers with kids in Galaxys/Land Rovers who don't look where they're going. I don't want to park anywhere near them thank you.

We always park at the far end of the carpark, TVR, TT or A6 (our car family) we use the same rule. Find an end space and you half the dingability too. It's no big deal to walk 50 metres to the door. In multistories we go up 'one more level' and find a nice end space if possible too. When I'm 60 years old I'll still do it (assuming I'm not in a wheelchair/walking with a stick ... then I may actually use the disabled spaces.

What really annoys me is places like the gym I go to. People park along a yellow line and in disabled spaces when there are tons of perfectly good spaces 25 metres away. Remember, this is a place where people go and run on a treadmill for 30 minutes and they can't be arsed to park properly

The issue realy is that builders have to put in so many disabled spaces and only a few ever get used. Council regulation are great aren't they. Reminds me of the carpark outside Dell where I used to work. There are around 8 disabled spaces and I never ever saw a disabled driver/car.



996 posts

289 months

Saturday 23rd February 2002
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Building design you would think would be a skillfull thing, so how do "they" get it so wrong?

Bit like the car park thing, the office I work in has one front entrance for cars only that you almost have to drive past the building to drive in. the rest of the front of the building has grass around it with "KEEP OFF THE GRASS" signs. As there's limited parking, a lot of us drivers, and people who use the god awful public transport have to walk to the building and get moaned at for cutting across the grass - the design is B*ll*x!!



328 posts

283 months

Saturday 23rd February 2002
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I took my 2 boys to Tesco's in the Porsche and when I returned the carpark/trolley collector (why do they always have a limp ?) was waiting by the car to have a go at the driver that had dared to park there without an MPV, as soon as he saw me and the boys he turned and limped away to find another culprit

Martin Hunt

301 posts

274 months

Sunday 24th February 2002
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I love going to my local Sainsbury's and parking the Cerby in the 'Father and Child' space, on a Sunday morning when it opens at 10 and I pull up with all the poeple looking at me, only to see me get my son out of the back, Rich / Flash ba$$$rd are some of the comments, do they not realise that a decent Cerby costs less than an all singing and dancing MPV????? I know which one I prefer.

As for road designers, my friend is one, and when I have a pop at him he says the problem is that most of the road designers do not design the roads where they live, so they do not know about the day to day problems that people have, yes they do do research but never has the righ information!!!!



982 posts

278 months

Sunday 24th February 2002
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Why do people park in supermarket 'pick up points' (directly outside the doors) when there are loads of available spaces? Being a taxi driver it is very annoying to me and the passenger. I'm afraid I'm not very careful when I open my door in these situations.

Jason F

1,183 posts

290 months

Sunday 24th February 2002
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Why do people without Disabled badges park in the orange zone ?

I think they are just plain rude, arrogant, stupid, and complete really. Especially as today I watched a very old gentlemen struggle to get his wife across the car park due to there being a Citreon Saxo VTS, a BMW, and (you'll be shocked) an MPV in 'his' spaces.

Can the Shop or I do anything legally to these vehicles ?


11,915 posts

273 months

Sunday 24th February 2002
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I'm in the pub business as well having farming interests (ducks)


So how big is this Duck Farm of yours then?

Huge - it's catching the buggers that's the problem - but seriously - I should have perhaps followed the admition of farming interests in this forum by the donning of flak jacket, tin hat, digging trench etc instead of simply ducking for cover.....


6,358 posts

277 months

Sunday 24th February 2002
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some of the comments, do they not realise that a decent Cerby costs less than an all singing and dancing MPV????? I know which one I prefer.

I'm intrigued. How much money are you talking about here?

Back on topic, I hate these M+B spaces. Let them find a place like anyone else. Actually, ALL spaces could be enlarged a *tad*, and everyone would be happier. Wouldn't lose that many spaces either.