Divx to VCD trouble



Original Poster:

18,972 posts

266 months

Sunday 23rd November 2003
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I got a film and when i was downloading it, it said it was divx. So i opened virtualdub up and went to open the film up, but it said i didn't have "mpg4" and couldn't open the film. I decided to go to Gspot and ran a check of the film, and it said the audio and video codecs were compatible. It also said it was a true avi. I even ran a program avi checker and it said it was compatible.

I went to TMPEGenc and i went to open the file, but it said it was unsupported and could not open the file.

I'm quite lost at the moment about what route to go down.

Appreciate any help

Thanks Gary


Original Poster:

18,972 posts

266 months

Sunday 23rd November 2003
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Just bringing this to the top hoping someone may be able to help who hasn't seen this.

Thanks Gary


2,874 posts

260 months

Sunday 23rd November 2003
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Have you tried downloading and installing the divx software as this has the mpg4 codec built in. I had similar problems playing mpg4 in any kind of software untill i installed divx, seems to have update all my software to the 4 codec.



Original Poster:

18,972 posts

266 months

Sunday 23rd November 2003
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Thanks for the reply. As far as i know, i have all the divx. Virtualdub works with my other divx films, this one's a weird one.


2,874 posts

260 months

Sunday 23rd November 2003
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Try this site for the codecs, it seems to have the vurtualdub mpeg4 codec and also the divx 5.1 codecs.



Original Poster:

18,972 posts

266 months

Sunday 23rd November 2003
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Thanks for the help, i downloaded the codecs but it still doesn't work on virtualdub. I don't know what else i can try next, i may have to get it from someone else.

Appreciate any more ideas.