HELP!!! Trying to buy a game....

HELP!!! Trying to buy a game....



Original Poster:

407 posts

267 months

Saturday 22nd November 2003
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Does anyone out there remember a game from the 80's called Arkanoid- Doh's Revenge (a bat at the bottom of the screen with a ball flying around- the object trying to clear the blocks)and if so, any idea where to get it from- ideally for a pc....


2,258 posts

270 months

Saturday 22nd November 2003
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Yep I remember it and had a copy at one time but long gone now. However I did find this site which has various clones of it

Google for "Arkanoid PC download" gets a fair few hits


269 posts

262 months

Sunday 23rd November 2003
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You can always get MAME. I have it and have 1800 games for it, including all of the Arkanoids.


6,268 posts

270 months

Sunday 23rd November 2003
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MSN have it as their featured download today! It's called Magic Ball and you can find it here