GPL Castle Coombe ...

GPL Castle Coombe ...



Original Poster:

282 posts

268 months

Friday 21st November 2003
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This isn't as simple as it looks!!

How's everyone else doing - I've done about 10 laps all at 1.00.1 - and nothing I try will crack the 1 minute barrier.

Also why are the A1 cars so amazingly slow ?


11,956 posts

281 months

Friday 21st November 2003
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1,845 posts

287 months

Friday 21st November 2003
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Oh dear, I am struggling [] I've downloaded it now and had a quick 10 laps before work tonight, and managed a best of 1:07 but that was with lots of offs.

It seems I have a way to go


3,924 posts

261 months

Friday 21st November 2003
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i managed 59.97.

but average about 1.02. i just get excited when other cars are about

will be a good race on tuesady


1,845 posts

287 months

Saturday 22nd November 2003
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Have you all just finished racing?

Suddenly Dragstar, Dern and AJLintern are posting all over Pistonheads within the last 1o mins (and I'm still stuck here at work - not working, obviously )


3,924 posts

261 months

Saturday 22nd November 2003
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sorry, i missed this.

its hard with 2 forums now

could have a little blast later i suppose.


3,848 posts

258 months

Monday 24th November 2003
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Can i have a setup?? because i can only set a 1:03 and i keep sliding around the place and loosing it under braking!!



90,130 posts

295 months

Monday 24th November 2003
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Well since it seems I won't be around tommorow evening now you can have my setup for the Lotus.

I've set the brake balance at 60% to the front for better handling under braking until you get used to right line and speed/braking/control for the first corner (critical corner). The move the bias back towards the rear but not less than 50%. The best performance with this setup is between 51-53% to the front.


1,845 posts

287 months

Tuesday 25th November 2003
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Hmmmm maybe I am more rubbish than I thought but I can't drive that setup at all. Over 1m10s every time or is FWD trying to nobble us

Anyway my new PB with no other cars around is now 1:04 (It'll drop to 1:20 with you lot around )

See you at 8pm


90,130 posts

295 months

Tuesday 25th November 2003
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diver944 said:
Hmmmm maybe I am more rubbish than I thought but I can't drive that setup at all. Over 1m10s every time or is FWD trying to nobble us

Anyway my new PB with no other cars around is now 1:04 (It'll drop to 1:20 with you lot around )

See you at 8pm

Driving styles I guess, but also gears. Probably different to what you might have been using for the corners?


1,845 posts

287 months

Tuesday 25th November 2003
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I don't think the word 'style' should be used in the same sentance as my driving.

'Lack of' could be added to it though


Original Poster:

282 posts

268 months

Tuesday 25th November 2003
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I loaded up FWDs set up, and the result was that I was a few tenths slower, however I can see that it is (with more talent) a faster set-up than the one I've settled on, but it isn't as stable and for a long race IMHO the key tends to be avoiding mistakes rather than getting the last tenth of a second. still we'll find out at 8 oclock!


3,848 posts

258 months

Tuesday 25th November 2003
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where do i save the setup too?


3,924 posts

261 months

Tuesday 25th November 2003
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diver944 said:
I don't think the word 'style' should be used in the same sentance as my driving.

'Lack of' could be added to it though

is anybody else feeling "nervous"???


3,848 posts

258 months

Tuesday 25th November 2003
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No not really will be my first championship race i need to catch up with you lot aswell!



3,924 posts

261 months

Tuesday 25th November 2003
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tim..have you joined the GPL group?

follow the link, in the thread at the top of this forum to join!


3,848 posts

258 months

Tuesday 25th November 2003
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Yes i was the first person to talk about it on here with pwig when we wasnt in the champ i won very race i raced in agianst you lot so watch out castle coombe here i come!!



3,848 posts

258 months

Tuesday 25th November 2003
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Just set a 59.71 in the lotus thanks to FWD setup cheers m8 What have you set in it FWD??



3,848 posts

258 months

Tuesday 25th November 2003
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Good race all!!
pitty i span and lost first place



1,845 posts

287 months

Wednesday 26th November 2003
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Bl00dy, bleeding, bastering NTL!!!!!1

Tried to dial in at 7:30 - bloody servers down. Tried and tried and tried every 5 minutes until about 9pm and then gave up feeling soooooooo frustrated.

I spent all arsing day practising yesterday.

Seriously pi$$ed off here.