150k price headsup



Original Poster:

48,927 posts

259 months

Friday 21st November 2003
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Tiscali are offering 150K 'broadband' for £15.99pm - seems reasonable

Need a BT landline to connect


7,916 posts

266 months

Friday 21st November 2003
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puggit said:
Tiscali are offering 150K 'broadband' for £15.99pm - seems reasonable

Need a BT landline to connect

But 150k isn't really thatttt fast. Fine for searching and emails, but you NEED more...

I'm on Pipex for £23.99 a month at 512K.

Worth the extra i think


1,826 posts

286 months

Friday 21st November 2003
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puggit said:
Tiscali are offering 150K 'broadband' for £15.99pm - seems reasonable

Need a BT landline to connect

I used to be with Tiscali on an anytime dial-up connection until they limited me to 150 hours per month - now with Freedom2Surf @512K for £22.50 and no limits.......


1,186 posts

282 months

Friday 21st November 2003
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Force9/PlusNet do a 512k connection for only £18.99 a month, but they block p2p and binary usenet connections on that connection.


The standard 512k connection with no blocking is £21.99 a month, but for anyone who's not into downloading w4r3z off the internet the £18.99 offering is a good option.