Best or easiest FTP Package to use.
Thursday 20th November 2003
Title says it all really. I have 55MB of space to play with and want to start to get into web building (possible new carrer path).
But i don't have a FTP at the moment. Whats the best one to get, money no object.
Friday 21st November 2003
Thanks for that Dontlift, got Version 5. and i have already uploaded on to my web space.
How is easyis this!
Friday 21st November 2003
Internet explorer

Friday 21st November 2003
FTP Explorer. Shareware, the UI looks just like a file browser. Works a treat.
Friday 21st November 2003
DOS FTP. comes with windows ..... free... easy to use
open a command shell ( cmd ) Type ftp to start the session
use the command open to open ftp site
then either put, mput, get, mget, dele, noop or bye... help files also available
Friday 21st November 2003
I hate DOS Command.

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