
rich 36

Original Poster:

13,739 posts

277 months

Thursday 20th November 2003
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If AOL has gone on a connection go-slow who might i sign up with next, seeing as how Freseerve and my sony laptop do,nt like to speak to one another? i have to establish a contact, by hand at the moment which is hit and miss
AOL simly wont connect as it says 'no dial tone' when there is?


48,927 posts

259 months

Friday 21st November 2003
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AOL can't cope if you use 1571. If the dialling tone is the beepy one because you have messages then it can't connect.

Heard an ad for Tiscali 150K connection - £15.99pm, which is the same as AOL dialup!

rich 36

Original Poster:

13,739 posts

277 months

Friday 21st November 2003
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AOL used to be good, but for some reason co-incidental with Mr Bush's visit, it seems to have slowed to near stop altogether. Capitalist glitch?