


Original Poster:

1,938 posts

260 months

Wednesday 19th November 2003
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whats the best way for a pc user and a mac user to chat with a webcam?
Ichat doesnt work for pc's at the mo and mac users have to pay to use msn messenger.
Please help


9,457 posts

263 months

Wednesday 19th November 2003
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Yahoo messenger maybe? You can webcam on that on both the mac and pc versions.


3,337 posts

273 months

Thursday 20th November 2003
quotequote all
I've never used iChat, never mind iChat AV. Apparently it uses AIM (AOL Instant Messaging protocol), which assists Mac/PC compatibility.

Does that help?


Original Poster:

1,938 posts

260 months

Thursday 20th November 2003
quotequote all
Thanks but aol are asking for money aswell. bloody computers!!!
I will keeping scanning the web.Cheers guys


3,337 posts

273 months

Friday 21st November 2003
quotequote all

I found this on the forum of Apple Support (www.info.apple.com/usen/iChat/) that would appear to offer an explanation and a fix:

"I own an iBook with iChatAV and iSight and my Dad owns a Dell with a webcam attached. How can we both video conference with each other? I heard something about yahoo messenger but isn't that where you can only see someones cam. I need video conferencing with a PC and if anyone knows a simple way let me know PLEASE!"

"David get a copy of iVisit or iChatters, or buy iSpQ- available for MAC and PC, fully cross platform and it works! "

"Just a shame apple restrict themselves to AOL of all people? They would do much better with connection to MSN Messenger - Sorry to butt in but I have the same problem "

"I would appreciate it, just to TALK to others on the PC. Steve Jobs said in the WWDC 2003 that iChat AV is only using open source for it´s audio and video. Does anyone know which they are and whether or not there are may some open source-clients of any kind on the pc-side that use the same thing?"

You might also take a look at www.myisight.com/