How cool is this....*dribble*



Original Poster:

15,396 posts

262 months

Wednesday 19th November 2003
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Don't know if I'd ever be nerdy enough to put a full pc in my car, but if I did I would want it to be like this....


48,927 posts

259 months

Wednesday 19th November 2003
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But extremely cool

And I bet it doesn't switch off when you start moving!


8,134 posts

262 months

Wednesday 19th November 2003
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Quite a few guys in the US have done Linux installs, none as slick looking as that though. Saying that I wouldn't want MS Windows anywhere near my motor!


1,991 posts

279 months

Wednesday 19th November 2003
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For the last 2.5 years, my P1 has had an empeg audio system running Linux with twin 30Gb hard drives.
Currently 5,500 tracks & only half full...

Oh, and yes I am that nerdy


90,130 posts

295 months

Wednesday 19th November 2003
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404 Error - An error has been detected, you car will now close down, please save all journey details and odometer readings.


1,211 posts

295 months

Wednesday 19th November 2003
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Three engineers are riding down the road in a car. Suddenly, the car begins to develop trouble. It's sputtering and it sounds like it's going to stall.

The first engineer is a chemical engineer. He says, "It could be something in the fuel line. Lets put an additive into the gas and maybe that will take care of the problem."

The second engineer is an electrical engineer. She says, "It could be something in the electrical system. Let's replace the wires and the distributor cap. Maybe that will take care of the problem."

The third engineer is a software engineer from Microsoft. He says, "It could be that we've too many windows open. Let's close all the windows, turn off the car, then restart the car and open all the windows again. Maybe that will take care of the problem."

That'd be about right then!


801 posts

273 months

Wednesday 19th November 2003
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Might validate your car insurance, Windows is sometimes prone to crashing... and it would be a 3rd party add-on so if you hadn't decalred it...


5,786 posts

275 months

Wednesday 19th November 2003
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A bit of voice software and you would be could have it read all the latest posts on PH while you sit in a traffic jam


7,412 posts

264 months

Thursday 20th November 2003
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robp said:
A bit of voice software and you would be could have it read all the latest posts on PH while you sit in a traffic jam

Wouldn't you start to look for traffic jams so that you could be online and in your car at the same time.....well until the novilty wore off.


7,848 posts

271 months

Friday 21st November 2003
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bga said:
Quite a few guys in the US have done Linux installs, none as slick looking as that though. Saying that I wouldn't want MS Windows anywhere near my motor!

Don't buy a BMW with iDrive, then. It's WindowsCE based.