PDF Converters



Original Poster:

6,314 posts

266 months

Wednesday 19th November 2003
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Can anyone point me in the direction of a PDF converter that will convert existing pdf files back to word for changes and then into pdf's again?


1,198 posts

257 months

Wednesday 19th November 2003
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pdf-word: www.convert-in.com/pdf2word.htm

word-pdf: www.win2pdf.com/

I don't know of any software allowing you to do both with one prog.
If the doc. is text only try pdf-text-pdf:www.convert-in.com/pdf2txt.htm


6,025 posts

294 months

Friday 21st November 2003
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Kazza Lite .. search for Adobe Acrobat professional

This allows you to edit, create, re-create pdf's.
its fully intergrated into Windows, and will give you icons in word to launch the application and convert


1,493 posts

274 months

Saturday 22nd November 2003
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If you do OCR and already happen to have OmniPage Pro installed, then that will convert pdf to Word as well.

However as mentioned above, Acrobat is the best way to go if you regulary want to edit pdf. No need to splash out on the Pro version though, unless you really need its extra features. The standard version will do most tasks just fine.


>> Edited by arcturus on Saturday 22 November 18:58