Mac or PC...?



Original Poster:

801 posts

273 months

Wednesday 19th November 2003
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Mrs Fish

30,018 posts

269 months

Wednesday 19th November 2003
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It's all lies I tell ya


4,330 posts

281 months

Wednesday 19th November 2003
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xsaravtr said:

The iCatheter.



13,698 posts

258 months

Wednesday 19th November 2003
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( but forced)

As a convert to Mac from PC however, I have to report that once you switch, you come to realise that PC 's and Windows really is the most rubbish, useless and shockingly awful product in the world.

I can think of no product which under delivers more than a PC.

A new Mac on OSX however ( running MS office for the Mac) does exactly what you always thought a computer should do.

It does what you ask, when you ask. It NEVER crashes. It is always fast, and never throws a wobbly.

Sadly, however, if everyone had a Mac I suspect thousands of IT support bods would become superflous, cos you really would'nt need 'em IMO.

Mac's these days are


1,391 posts

277 months

Wednesday 19th November 2003
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aah, little Mac ferret....

Big D read a report a few weeks ago that claimed Mac owners were more intelligent and earned more than pc owners.

Needless to say he's now become more unbearably smug and know-it-all than before...

Mrs Fish

30,018 posts

269 months

Wednesday 19th November 2003
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toppstuff I totally agree

I love my Mac


13,698 posts

258 months

Wednesday 19th November 2003
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fallon said:

Big D read a report a few weeks ago that claimed Mac owners were more intelligent and earned more than pc owners.

Really ! It must be true !

When will that happen to me then? I'm waiting......


1,391 posts

277 months

Wednesday 19th November 2003
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well he's certainly richer than me....on account of the fact that he doesn't spend "thousands of pounds on useless girlie sh1te" (and I quote)

as for the intelligence thing...I'm not convinced, he still can't work out the connection between dirty underpants and the laundry bin.


15,396 posts

262 months

Wednesday 19th November 2003
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toppstuff said:
( but forced)

As a convert to Mac from PC however, I have to report that once you switch, you come to realise that PC 's and Windows really is the most rubbish, useless and shockingly awful product in the world.

I can think of no product which under delivers more than a PC.

A new Mac on OSX however ( running MS office for the Mac) does exactly what you always thought a computer should do.

It does what you ask, when you ask. It NEVER crashes. It is always fast, and never throws a wobbly.

Sadly, however, if everyone had a Mac I suspect thousands of IT support bods would become superflous, cos you really would'nt need 'em IMO.

Mac's these days are

If you use a computer professionally then Macs are the way to go definately, but if you use it for games/ web-browsing etc the PC is the way to go as they are cheaper, have more compatible software and better graphics hardware (for games anyway).


Original Poster:

801 posts

273 months

Wednesday 19th November 2003
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Erm... think the can is open and the worms are escaping...

Personally I detest Macs, I still can't work out who's bright idea it was to only have 1 mouse button. My mouse has got 3 and a scroll wheel, don't think I'd ever be without a scroll wheel now. Makes surfing through pistonheads a breeze.

I think Macs are style over substance, I admit that they SOMETIMES look better than PC's. But I do not like the new crop of Macs that look like they have been designed by Fisher-Price.

Also whats with all the stupid animations and pointless eye candy in Mac OS X? I'm sure that most people will turn that function off, so whats the point of including it?


10,857 posts

278 months

Wednesday 19th November 2003
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Macs seem to be the preserve of the advertising industry from my experience. Better on graphics and CPU performance.

In any other industry, its PCs. For home use, PCs yet again.

Macs are style over substance, I couldn't agree more.


586 posts

261 months

Wednesday 19th November 2003
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Speaking as an advertising industry type, the mac vs pc debate is even more hotly contested by design houses and studios

It seems that there's a lot of loyalty to whichever one you started your career with

Mac's do seem to have the upper hand among creative types however


7,585 posts

261 months

Wednesday 19th November 2003
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pc's, always. they seem to be a lot more useful in my opinion. though never had a real test of macs except for the ones at my school. but they limit what you can do with those so. Still, i hated em.


11,430 posts

277 months

Wednesday 19th November 2003
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Haven't used a Mac in ages, but from what I remember, they did blow the pc to pieces ....

Paul 2000

1,080 posts

278 months

Wednesday 19th November 2003
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Macs - definitely. I've got both but use the Mac all the time. PC comes in handy to read the occasional floppy disk (remember those).
Most of the negative comments about Macs are usually from people that have never or hardly ever used one. Just about everything I've had to do on the poxy PC is ten times easier/quicker on a Mac - even with only one mouse button .
Get a Mac, running OSX 10.3 (Panther) and you'll never want to go near a PC again.

All IMHO opinion of course.


1,143 posts

288 months

Wednesday 19th November 2003
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I'm going through a similar debate because my PC needs upgrading and I fancy the Mac for the usual home office type tasks.

Personally, I don't mind PC's in the desktop sense, there fine. But I wouldn't touch MS/Intel stuff with a bargepole for web/app servers etc. Far too flaky.

In terms of how easy Macs and PC's are to use, thats very dependant on your IT literacy. From my limited experience on Mac's I find them more difficult to use than PC's, but thats ONLY because I've spent a total of about 10 hours near a Mac.

Linux is another option but it's a bit too geeky for run of the mill people. Again, very competent all the same.

My personal preference (and I'll be branded a geek for this) is Solaris. It absolutely triumphs over AIX (IBM monolithware), Linux etc.

At the momment I'm swaying about 60% towards upgrading to a Mac, even if it is only to become more familiar with the OS. I will still keep a PC for stuff I can't do on the Mac (ie software development etc).



9,457 posts

263 months

Wednesday 19th November 2003
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xsaravtr said:

Personally I detest Macs, I still can't work out who's bright idea it was to only have 1 mouse button. My mouse has got 3 and a scroll wheel, don't think I'd ever be without a scroll wheel now. Makes surfing through pistonheads a breeze.

I have 5 buttons and a scroll wheel on the mouse attached to the Mac

Macs are very good at what they do, but they are not as versatile as a PC and will cost you more to buy and to run (software etc...) I don't regret buying mine and use it for all the day-to-day surfing, email, etc... But I'd never be without a PC in the house though.


Original Poster:

801 posts

273 months

Wednesday 19th November 2003
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trooper1212 said:

I have 5 buttons and a scroll wheel on the mouse attached to the Mac

Do they work or are they just cosmetic?


9,457 posts

263 months

Wednesday 19th November 2003
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xsaravtr said:

trooper1212 said:

I have 5 buttons and a scroll wheel on the mouse attached to the Mac

Do they work or are they just cosmetic?

Works fine, I just plugged it in and away I went. Don't tell anyone, but it's a Microsoft mouse


13,698 posts

258 months

Wednesday 19th November 2003
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I have been using every version of Windows for a decade.

I switched to Mac early this year and got a G4.

Believe me, Macs rule !

If you want to write/ calculate/ create/ store photos/ store music/ make presentations/ surf - Macs do it all better than PC's.

if you want to run unusual grommet- counting simulation software, or adventure games where you role-play being a commander on the planet Tharg, then buy a PC.

For all the stuff that you want a computer to do, a Mac does it easier and with more style.

My Dell Pentium 3 thingy has'nt been used for months and I'm giving it away . Good riddance to it.