Data recovery


simpo two

Original Poster:

88,011 posts

276 months

Wednesday 19th November 2003
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I had a folder on a CD-RW (I know, I know) with about 10 Word files in it. I opened one file, made some changes then went to save it. When I went to eject the disc, I recall seeing a message saying something like 'process not finished, do you want to continue?'. (This was unusal as normally I get a window with a little animation saying 'completing writing process' or similar).

Anyway, I chose 'yes' and the disc came out. The next time I looked at the disc, there was only *one* file in that folder. Other stuff on the disc was OK. I opened the one surviving file to check it and when I closed it, the other ones suddenly appeared. So I opened one - it appeared OK - but on closing it they all disappeared and are still AWOL.

Have I lost them for good now or is their some recovery technique? I have XP, Nero and the free version of Roxio which came with the writer. The disc was originally formatted using Roxio for drag and drop operation.

All ideas welcomed.


3,280 posts

294 months

Wednesday 19th November 2003
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Mmm, you are into the realms of getting some outside assistance. You can get some bit by bit scanning tools, but not sure if they work on CD's - most only do disks and hard disks.... your best bet is to deal with a data recovery company (if the data is valuable).

Try - they are very good.


9,396 posts

269 months

Wednesday 19th November 2003
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Vogon are the best in this field but be warned their services do not come cheap - we have used them many times to recover data from totally failed hard disks etc

simpo two

Original Poster:

88,011 posts

276 months

Wednesday 19th November 2003
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Thanks folks. The data is not worth paying to get back, it's just very inconvenient. I'd hoped there might be something within XP or some freeware that might help.

simpo two

Original Poster:

88,011 posts

276 months

Friday 12th December 2003
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Update: I recently thought 'bollox to it' and tried to delete the troublesome folder. It wouldn't let me do it. So I had another look in it and behold! There was one of the missing files. I copied it to a safe place and tried again. Another of the missing files turned up! By repeating the process several times I eventually got them all back except one, which was really corrupt (hence it will an EC Commissioner soon I expect!).



3,280 posts

294 months

Friday 12th December 2003
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Ah Microsoft is great isnt it? Glad you got it sorted though.