Help! New shuttle PC lan issues.

Help! New shuttle PC lan issues.



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2,029 posts

279 months

Tuesday 18th November 2003
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Recently bought a shuttle SN41G2 - is running 512mb samsung ram, amd xp 2100+ and using the onboard sound, graphics and lan and XP Pro.

I connect to adsl using a Solwise SAR 715 router which is working fine (am on it now from my laptop) but I am having problems connecting the shuttle to the net.

It will connect OK for 10 mins or so, but then the connection dies, and I cannot even ping the router (just times out). When this happens, the laptop loses it's connection too.

The laptop connection comes back on if I unplug the shuttle and leave it for 20seconds or so.

If I reboot the shuttle it works OK again for a short period, but buggers up again soon.

I have update the shuttle to the latest BIOS, and also tried inserting a LAN card (it has onboard also) but the same happens regardless of which lan card I use.

Am out of ideas now!!