DivX for Ipaq



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1,143 posts

288 months

Tuesday 18th November 2003
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Thought I'd consult the PH fountain of knowledge on this one.

I've been playing around with DivX with the intention to ripper my DVD's and view them on my Ipaq (with a 5gb kingston PC card HD).

I'm running PocketDivX 0.8 from Mayosoft on the Ipaq and using the DivX standard 5.1 codec + Super DVD ripper 1.90 on a PIII Win2K PC to convert DVD to DivX.

Basically, I'm looking for tips, like:

1. Optimum bit rate
2. Best screen size to use (so that the movie plays back ok on the ipaq and doesn't stick on frames).
3. Other performance tweeks (since it takes ages to rip, currently about 10mins for 1 min of video).




168 posts

256 months

Tuesday 18th November 2003
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Will your iPaq be fast enough? I've seen decent desktops struggling with DivX.

If you're doing it especially, then make them 320x240 - the resolution of your screen. Other than that, I don't know. I sold my iPaq six months ago