Win 2000 Problems



Original Poster:

1,223 posts

271 months

Tuesday 18th November 2003
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From Wedges to computers... hopefully PH will come thru!

I need to change the workgroup ID on a W2K laptop. Even though I'm logged in as admin, the Network ID button in Control Panel/System/Network ID is grayed out.

I assume its some right/permission that has been turned off but can't find it. Any Ideas? Cheers Grady


9,396 posts

269 months

Tuesday 18th November 2003
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Are you logged on as Admin to the machine or the domain?


4,962 posts

265 months

Tuesday 18th November 2003
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Shouldn't really matter (as the domain admin is, by default, a member of the local administrators group) and the local administrators group gives the rights to change the workgroup. Also, as he said 'change the Workgroup' the implication is that the machine is not part of a domain.
Is the laptop running Windows 2000 Professional or Server. It it's server, and the machine is a DC (in it's own domain?) then you won't be able to change the name without demoting/promoting it.
Failing that, I've no idea! If it is actually part of the workgroup (and not a domain) then you could just edit the registry to change the name.



Original Poster:

1,223 posts

271 months

Tuesday 18th November 2003
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I'm running 2000 Pro on a peer-to-peer wireless network at home (no domains), nothing too fancy. The other two computers run win2k and XP home. I can change the workgroup names on the other two (so I may be able to rename the others to conform). I checked as many settings as I could find against my other win2k computer and everything seems to be configured the same.