Cracked Lap Top Screen!! Help


crimson king 500

Original Poster:

553 posts

273 months

Monday 17th November 2003
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Bought a £800 lap top from PC world earlier this year and it has been great, reason I wanted it was so i could carry it around, well today, I was carrying it around and I have managed to crack the screen, not on the surface, but inside and now cannot get into the data. The particles or whatever show up as just all white space, with only the top left still being legible. It has been suggested that if I link up a monitor then I can at least use it still, but I was kinda hoping it might be repairable?

Any suggestions welcome.......Thanks


11,104 posts

287 months

Monday 17th November 2003
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Not likely repairable I'm afraid. How old is it, couldn't claim on credit card insurance or something?

Failing that, drop me a line I may be able to help getting yours repaired - no promises.

crimson king 500

Original Poster:

553 posts

273 months

Monday 17th November 2003
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Cheers .Mark I will look at the agreement and see, but if not will drop you a line.


9,294 posts

276 months

Monday 17th November 2003
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you will be able to use it with a monitor still, for the time being, incase you need to get any data off.

As for the screen... House hold insurance should see you with a spanky new laptop.


12,058 posts

275 months

Monday 17th November 2003
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Screen can be replaced, but not repaired.

crimson king 500

Original Poster:

553 posts

273 months

Monday 17th November 2003
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Thanks again, managed to get the data off of it I needed, by using the monitor on my home trying to see if anyone local can repair the screen.


7,563 posts

276 months

Tuesday 18th November 2003
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If it's one of the mainstream manufacturers, you may be lucky and be able to source a replacement LCD for it cheaply. Like with cars, there are laptop breakers who take the good bits off broken laptops and sell them on.

If it's one of PC World's own-brand ones (Advent) it's not as hopeful, they tend to buy in smallish batches of whatever's going at the time and sourcing a new replacement LCD will probably be more than the laptop's worth. Claim off your household insurance if you can.


1,223 posts

271 months

Tuesday 18th November 2003
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Check ebay for a parted out screen