fuzzy images!



Original Poster:

29 posts

259 months

Sunday 16th November 2003
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Hi just took delivery of brand new Dell Inspiron 5150 - got the thing up and running - but on viewing the web (internet explorer 6)- any graphics with text in them are fuzzy or distorted or pixelated - tried some things like resetting web settings and checking smart picture dithering and the screen resolution and the display set up - but can't seem to budge the problem - any ideas? It seems like a setting somewhere I need to change rather than a faulty laptop - thxs Jane


12,058 posts

275 months

Sunday 16th November 2003
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What's the screen resolution set to? Is it as high as it can go?


Original Poster:

29 posts

259 months

Monday 17th November 2003
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indeed it is

1400 x 1050

Actually just tried to print screen to show the set up but my F12 doesn't seem to want to do this on this laptop The adapter is a NVIDIA GeForce FX Go5200 Am running windows xp professional with 3 ghz processor so really am not understanding where the problem is coming from doh! Reminds me of when you use text into a graphics package and don't use the crisp anti-alias on it then display it on the web....bizaare


16,442 posts

272 months

Monday 17th November 2003
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On a laptop or flat panel monitor, make sure that the screen resolution is set to exactly the same as the native resolution of your screen. That way there will be exactly 1:1 ratio between physical pixels on the screen and 'logical' pixels in the image and you'll get the sharpest picture your monitor is capable of producing from the supplied image.

If you change from the exact 1:1 resolution, various numbers of physical pixels will get used for each logical one, and the result is unsightly.


16,442 posts

272 months

Monday 17th November 2003
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mrstrackdemon said:
Actually just tried to print screen to show the set up but my F12 doesn't seem to want to do this on this laptop

Try Alt+PrintScreen and then paste into your favourite application.


1,186 posts

282 months

Monday 17th November 2003
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This isn't the autozoom feature of IE6 is it?

If a graphic is too large to fit within the window, it will automatically shrink it to fit. Tends to make the picture fuzzy and distort any text thats in it....

I think it displays an icon bottom right of the picture that allows you to enlarge it back to normal size.


2,258 posts

270 months

Monday 17th November 2003
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According to the dell website your display is running at the native res of 1400 x 1050 unless you have the uxga model which would run at 1600 x 1200.

Two thing to check. Pull up desktop properties and check that you have 16 bit or higher colour setting. If it is then check desktop properties, appearance tab, effects button, screen font smoothing method. On XP it has 2 settings I think, standard and clear type. Try both. I found that clear type looks terrible on some flat panels.

Hope that helps


Original Poster:

29 posts

259 months

Monday 17th November 2003
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Thxs all now sorted - changed the dpi down to 96 reinstalled the driver for the video thingy and all is loverly!

Thxs again