Tiscali Broadband



Original Poster:

7,908 posts

262 months

Friday 14th November 2003
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Does anybody know speed of this 15.99 a month service or is it just a con?


4,492 posts

295 months

Saturday 15th November 2003
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The £15.99/month deal is only a 150k connection, which is fine as you still get the benifits of allways on connectivity and you do get a 3x connection of a dial up modem. However for a fiver or so extra you should be able to get a 'real' 512k broadband deal which is well worth it.

Edited to add > Actually can they get away with calling 150k broadband? Didn't NTL or someone get buggered over it?

>> Edited by rpguk on Saturday 15th November 01:06


48,927 posts

259 months

Saturday 15th November 2003
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Government is currently dealing with NTL - we have a 150K connection and it is fine for most home use.

We're hoping that when the government make 250K the minimum spec for BB that we'll get upgraded for free