Parsing XML with ASP/VBScript



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6,111 posts

270 months

Friday 14th November 2003
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Ok - it had to happen some time, and try as I might I can no longer ignore XML and hope it will go away

Anyone here know anything about getting stuff out of an XML file using the MS parser and vbscript? All the information I can find is useless, and as soon as I try to alter any of the (working) tutorial documents to do what I want if all goes horribly wrong Maybe it's just the friday afternoon syndrome

I found a free bit of code that does exactly what I want, but it's in javascrpt and hence is useless as it needs to be an include file for several vbscript pages - unless anyone knows a way to include a server-side javascrpt file in a vbscript page...

Basically, I'm trying to pull in RSS news feeds, which looks simple enough at first but is driving me nuts


28,377 posts

295 months

Friday 14th November 2003
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judas said:
unless anyone knows a way to include a server-side javascrpt file in a vbscript page...

<SCRIPT RUNAT=SERVER Language="JScript">



Original Poster:

6,111 posts

270 months

Friday 14th November 2003
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Thanks Don - how the hell did I miss that one?!?! Guess it was the Friday afternoon thing after all. Now, all I need to do now is get it to dump the content in the right place instead of before all the HTML!