256+ columns in excel?



Original Poster:

1,114 posts

267 months

Thursday 13th November 2003
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Hi - does anybody know how to get ? 256 columns in Excel XP or Open Office without buying XLChartPro?



10,430 posts

259 months

Thursday 13th November 2003
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use a three sheets, 2 for the data, 1 for the a summary type affair where macro's alter what is seen or a pivot table?


4,001 posts

293 months

Friday 14th November 2003
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How about doing it the other way up, you've got 30,000odd rows


3,811 posts

275 months

Friday 14th November 2003
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similar question appeared on ScoobyNet



Original Poster:

1,114 posts

267 months

Friday 14th November 2003
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thanks - it's for a friend who does genetic type stuff - there's a good reason why they have to be columns rather than rows - I'll check out the link.


12,425 posts

277 months

Friday 14th November 2003
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I don't know if it's helping, but KSpread supports more than 256 columns.

It's installed on my system, and I've stopped checking the maximum limit at column ZZZ, but it goes on with column AAAA after


>> Hang on, I've just found in the documentation, that 32767 rows x 32767 columns are supported.

KSpread is part of KOffice, which is part af the KDE Desktop, which runs on Unix and derivates like Linux, which runs on nearly every common hardware.

>> Edited by Bodo on Friday 14th November 17:12