New technology gone mad...Grrrrrr.

New technology gone mad...Grrrrrr.


Wacky Racer

Original Poster:

39,408 posts

258 months

Thursday 13th November 2003
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A few weeks ago my son needed a new upgraded graphics card for his PC, costing around £160.

I thought I'll try my local PC World at Blackburn, as I couldn't be arsed trawling round all the shops.

As the store is around ten miles away, and I did not want to go all that way to find they were out of stock of the one he wanted I got the phone book out, which gave me a number based down south somewhere...

So I rang directory enquires (at great expense) who gave me the same number......

Starting to loose my rag, I dialled the number and said, "Hello, can you give me the number of PC World in Blackburn please"?

No, sir, I'm sorry, we are not allowed to give out that information....

But I want to ring them to see if they have an item in stock, before I travel over there....

I'm sorry sir, I am not allowed to give out that information...


Anyway, what is the part you require, because my computer should be able to locate if that particular store has the part in stock.......

Starting to calm down now........

Oh! Yes, OK then, its a *******256 Graphics card.....

What's a graphic's card?????

You work at PC World and you don't know?????

No sir, I only started yesterday.......

What location in the store is it likely to be in?

How do I know, I've never been there....

Well I really need more information...

Look, can you PLEASE give me the number of PC World at Blackburn....

Sorry sir, we are not allowed to give out that information.........

Needless to say, I slammed the phone down, blew a gasket, kicked the cat (not really and ended up spending my £160 in a local small computer shop...

>>> Edited by Wacky Racer on Thursday 13th November 18:15


90,129 posts

295 months

Thursday 13th November 2003
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They probably don't have a UK telephone directory in Mumbai

since all other call centres are out there now


20,854 posts

286 months

Thursday 13th November 2003
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In Blackburn?

Blackburn, Lancashire?

Wasn't there a song about that once?

That's where all the 10,000 holes have gone! PC World!

Wacky Racer

Original Poster:

39,408 posts

258 months

Thursday 13th November 2003
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beano500 said:
In Blackburn?

Blackburn, Lancashire?

Wasn't there a song about that once?

That's where all the 10,000 holes have gone! PC World!

No, it was 4000 holes actually....

(A day in the life....The Beatles)


48,927 posts

259 months

Thursday 13th November 2003
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£160 for a graphics card?! Hope it was a good one!


20,854 posts

286 months

Thursday 13th November 2003
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Wacky Racer said:

No, it was 4000 holes actually....

(A day in the life....The Beatles)

Whoops! I do apologise, it's either my dementia, the fact that I can't count, or, more likely, the fact that I can't believe there are only 4000 holes in the aforementioned excuse for a retail outlet....


10,430 posts

259 months

Thursday 13th November 2003
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I spent £252 on mine that was 2 years ago mind. You know, I have a £350 monitor as well. For those 2 things, my mate built an entire machine and had lots of change


801 posts

273 months

Friday 14th November 2003
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18,535 posts

257 months

Saturday 15th November 2003
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29 posts

259 months

Monday 17th November 2003
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We had a similar experience - went into PC World - asked them to show us a photo printer that would work on NT (arhh no USB fun) after 20 minutes,I left the store with a 350 pound printer - fantastic. Got home the discs didn't work on NT, only other operating systems! However, we didn't let that deter us when we called them some months later looking to get some wireless kit. This time by telephone and the conversation seemed to go like this:

"Hello please can you tell me whether your Beckton Store has the following xxx in stock?

No we do not

Er, ok then (that was a split second answer so he must have been a quick typist) can you tell me what London stores local to me DO have it in stock

No sorry none of them

(again split second)

Do you have something similar you could recommend perhaps (teeth are gritted at this stage, so speech probably a bit difficult to understand)

We do not sell them in any store.

Er, so you are telling me that PC World doesn't stock any wireless network blah blah blahs

No unforunately we do not

Could I buy a goat then please, I assume you do sell them

(Get this!)

Sorry we have none in stock at the moment"

They stock animals but not simple pc kit....the mind boggles