photo printer



Original Poster:

4,546 posts

264 months

Thursday 13th November 2003
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Just bought a 5 megapixel digital camera, and now need a quality photo printer. What would you recommend?


11,598 posts

295 months

Thursday 13th November 2003
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Do you want a printer that does only photos (6x4 Olympus printer) or do you just want a quality inkjet/dye sub that can do photos as well as normal use stuff?

What's your budget?

Do you have a Mac or PC?

I have a Epson Stylus Photo 950 (about £300) and the results are excellent (without having to go all the way up to 2800dpi) on anything up to A4. Otherwise the 2100 is the big brother.


Original Poster:

4,546 posts

264 months

Thursday 13th November 2003
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Yes. A printer that only does photos.
I have a b/w laser jet (HP) for what I need for work.

I dont want to pay £300.., was looking £80-£160 ish.
Someone told me of an Epsom 830?


2,505 posts

294 months

Friday 14th November 2003
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I'm probably going for the Canon i865 which seems to get excellent reviews everywhere. £140-£170 depending on where you buy it. Full page A4 and good performance


11,598 posts

295 months

Friday 14th November 2003
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The Epson 830 (£90), or the 915 (£120) if you need direct prints from media cards without using a PC - both are very good with 6 ink tanks for better photo production, but just don't have some of the bells and whistles such as automatic paper cutter for landscape photos (up to 15ft long)!


Original Poster:

4,546 posts

264 months

Friday 14th November 2003
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Cheers Tony. I'll have a look at the 915.


2,190 posts

280 months

Saturday 15th November 2003
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I do quite a lot of photo quality enlargements. About a year ago my A4 canon started printing with a bad colour cast and I've never replaced it! I'd really have wanted an A3 replacement and would go for the latest Stylus Photo if I had to, but now I print online.

Proper photo paper printed with real chemicals. Proper permnnency (I've got 7 year old Canon and Epson prints that are now Green and White). Proper tones in the highlights (always a weakness in Ink Jets). And really vibrant colours (Another weakness of Ink Jets because colours can only be achieved by mixing the available colours).

Anyone who saw my mini-exhibition at Gang on the Green will know just how good the quality of these prints is!

And it's cheap! I pay £1.99 for a 15" x 10" enlargement delivered to my door in four days. It's simple, go to and download their Print@Net software. It does T-shirts, Mugs, etc as well!


4,274 posts

274 months

Saturday 15th November 2003
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We've got an Epson Photo 750 (now discontinued) which does very good quality prints - only usually go upto 720 dpi, can't tell the difference with 1440 dpi - it just takes longer! I imagine any current Epson photo printer should be even better.