Couple of probs for you IT heroes... ;-)

Couple of probs for you IT heroes... ;-)



Original Poster:

26,902 posts

276 months

Thursday 13th November 2003
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Win 2000... when my machine boots up, it gives me the option to select Win 2000 or Win98, with a delay period. It defaults to 2000 if you do nothing, but how do I get rid of the choice and have it go straight into 2000? Someone did explain it to me a while back, something to do with editing or autoexec.cak or whatever, but I forget...
Also, foolishly I selected an option that enabled networking and now when Win 2000 starts up, it asks me for a password to log onto the system. I didn't REALLY want to have to do that (I was trying to achieve something else!) so does anyone know how to return to the non-networked state?

Beers in advance!



48,927 posts

259 months

Thursday 13th November 2003
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You need to edit the boot.ini file (Found at c to remove the line for win98 (should be something like multi(x)disk(y)rdsisk(z)partition(a)winnt="Windows 98" / fastdetect)

Boot.ini is a hidden system file, so you may need to change your Explorer properties to see it. I'd suggest you keep a copy of what you delete (or REM it out).

As for the networking problem - can we have a bit more info please

>> Edited by puggit on Thursday 13th November 08:10


12,058 posts

275 months

Thursday 13th November 2003
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First problem:
Go into control panel
Into System
Into the advanced tab
Startup and recovery button
Click Display a list of operating systems, to be unticked.

Second problem:
Control panel
users and passwords
advanced tab
Uncheck the checkbox at the bottom about requiring to press ctrl alt del.
That'll get you halfway there, but i'm on a domain so i can't check the rest.


Original Poster:

26,902 posts

276 months

Thursday 13th November 2003
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Nice one Agent: well at least on the op system options!
The passwords box isn't ticked to start with.
Any more ideas?



9,294 posts

276 months

Thursday 13th November 2003
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windows 2000 will have to 'log on' as its a 'secure O/S'

however you can elect to 'auto login'

you can do it thru networking properties, or just use TweakUI.

should do the trick.

Should be an 'autologin' tab in there. Fill in your details



Original Poster:

26,902 posts

276 months

Saturday 15th November 2003
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Well, I fixed it (eventually!). What I had to do was log on as the system Administrator, give myself a password, restart, then go onto some settings page and untick the 'require users to log on...' box. Then it said I could have an auto-login of a chosen user, so I opted for that, then extended the password validity to 999 days, with only a 1 day reminder.
Dead easy..

Can I have a ridiculously overpaid and underworked job in IT now, please?



16,442 posts

272 months

Monday 17th November 2003
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wedg1e said:
Can I have a ridiculously overpaid and underworked job in IT now, please?

Not many of 'em left