CD burning problem



Original Poster:

18,969 posts

266 months

Tuesday 11th November 2003
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I hope someone here will be able to help me. I have a few Cd burning programs on my computer, and i havent' burnt a Cd in a while, the last program i used to burn a Cd was Roxio and it worked fine. Since then i have got some new programs such as Nero, NTI Cd maker platinum 6 and EasyVCD.

When i try and burn a Cd now on Roxio it no longer works, Nero has never worked for me and when i try and burn on EasyVCD it says it couldn't find Force ASPI driver.

I think my driver's may have become corrupt or been deleted. Could someone recommend a place where i could get the relevant drivers for my computer (it's on XP if that's of any use).

On the week-end i burnt a CD using the windows burner and it was fine, does that mean my drivers are ok or not??

Appreciate any help

Thank Gary


90,128 posts

295 months

Tuesday 11th November 2003
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Roxio is the new name for Apaptec EasyCD creator and it doesn't work on XP unless you have the XP version.

You cannot have Roxio and Nero on the same PC as they tend to mess each other up anyway so if you completely get rid of Roxio (might even take some Registry editing to kill it off completely), Nero will work.

Or better still get hold of a copy of Alcohol. The standard Windows CD burner is fine for backing up (drag & drop is very useful) HD files and directories.

>> Edited by FourWheelDrift on Tuesday 11th November 21:38


Original Poster:

18,969 posts

266 months

Wednesday 12th November 2003
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I believe i have the Roxio XP version because it came with my computer and it worked. The thing is neither program can find a driver any more. Is there a site you could recommend that would supply the correct driver (It's a Samsung CD-writer if that's of any use).

Appreciate any help.

Thanks Gary