SB Audigy



Original Poster:

4,508 posts

293 months

Tuesday 11th November 2003
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I've just rebuilt this PC after the hard drive fried, got an SB Audigy soundcard but no installation CD. I downloaded a driver exe from their website but it seems to require that the installation CD is run first, can't get this from their site. Any ideas boffins ??


10,430 posts

259 months

Tuesday 11th November 2003
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thats impossible, there will be nothing on the CD that won't be included in the download (assuming you have downloaded the driver pack and not the ultils pack)


637 posts

282 months

Tuesday 11th November 2003
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Is the SB card now recognised correctly in the system details within the control panel?

Goto, Start: Settings: Control Panel: System: Device Manager, Look under sound controllers.

If OK you may just need the application files that are on the web site.


Original Poster:

4,508 posts

293 months

Tuesday 11th November 2003
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This is from creative's website :

Note: Please ensure that you have installed the Sound Blaster Audigy installation CD before you run this update (AUDRVVXD.EXE).

When you run the file it pretty much says something like that above and then quits.


10,430 posts

259 months

Tuesday 11th November 2003
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thats just an update then, you'll need the original driver pack from the website.


6,012 posts

295 months

Tuesday 11th November 2003
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Unfortunately, Zorro's correct. I have an Audigy too and you do need the original CD - unbelievable I know, but true - you can't get all the stuff you need for a fresh install from the website alone. Crap innit...?



90,128 posts

295 months

Tuesday 11th November 2003
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Can you install the sound card using a basic Sound Blaster driver that comes with Windows (do a manual driver install not plug & play) then run the update for all the Audigy bits?

>> Edited by FourWheelDrift on Tuesday 11th November 22:22


9,330 posts

286 months

Tuesday 11th November 2003
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roop said:
Unfortunately, Zorro's correct. I have an Audigy too and you do need the original CD - unbelievable I know, but true - you can't get all the stuff you need for a fresh install from the website alone. Crap innit...?

It's obviously to stop people downloading Audigy cards from the net.


6,012 posts

295 months

Tuesday 11th November 2003
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Eh...? How can you download a piece of hardware...? I can't see why they shouldn't have a scratch install package available for download even if it is quite large. Currently those with lost or damaged CD's are screwed. Come to think of it, I'm not sure where my CD is. :/

It may be worth going into the audigy support forums at creative to see if someone has answers...?

FunkyNige said:

It's obviously to stop people downloading Audigy cards from the net.


Original Poster:

4,508 posts

293 months

Wednesday 12th November 2003
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Unless I've got deja vu I'm sure I've been in this situ before, I think I just burned a mate's copy...anyway I've emailed them to see what they say but all I think I want is just the driver ?? and not all the garbage on the CD which I never use but you just can't get it..



593 posts

277 months

Wednesday 12th November 2003
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just been on the creative site:


Microsoft© Windows© XP, Windows 2000, Windows Me (Millennium Edition) or Windows 98 SE (Second Edition)
Creative Sound Blaster Audigy 2 card, Audigy 2 Platinum eX card, Audigy 2 ZS card or Audigy 2 ZS Platinum Pro card installed, with or without drivers.


seems to have all the bits in it and no cd required


8,568 posts

294 months

Thursday 13th November 2003
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lotusfan said:
just been on the creative site:


Microsoft© Windows© XP, Windows 2000, Windows Me (Millennium Edition) or Windows 98 SE (Second Edition)
Creative Sound Blaster Audigy 2 card, Audigy 2 Platinum eX card, Audigy 2 ZS card or Audigy 2 ZS Platinum Pro card installed, with or without drivers.


seems to have all the bits in it and no cd required

I think that's what I downloaded when I rebuilt my PC. I was never prompted for my original CD though.


Original Poster:

4,508 posts

293 months

Friday 14th November 2003
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Just spoke with creative and for a SB Audigy/Win 98SE setup you need the original CD which has the driver and a whole bunch of useless (for me) stuff on it, the driver is not available for download just the update. It costs £2. Crap innit as Roop said

>> Edited by zorro on Friday 14th November 11:26