XP no internet access problem



Original Poster:

5,252 posts

278 months

Tuesday 11th November 2003
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Had a power failure a while ago, got win 98 machine back on fine but xp came back on with loads of errors lost all user profiles etc.

All hardware/software working fine except the internet. Internet is share via a router which i am browsing through fine using win98 machine.

But XP will allow me to connect to the router to change settings etc but no connection to the internet any one got any ideas??


PS network is IP is 192.168.xxx.xxx and IP address is auto configure by DHCP on the Router


12,058 posts

275 months

Tuesday 11th November 2003
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from the run command on the start menu type:

and click ok

then type ipconfig
chack it's picked up the right address

if it hasn't try

if it doesn't pick up an address then there's summit up wi' network card.


Original Poster:

5,252 posts

278 months

Tuesday 11th November 2003
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agent006 said:
from the run command on the start menu type:

and click ok

then type ipconfig
chack it's picked up the right address

if it hasn't try

if it doesn't pick up an address then there's summit up wi' network card.

I have tried the ipconfig route, it connects to the network and has the correct address. also allows me to go to the gateway configuration utility built in to the modem. but wont browse the net, there is no firewall installed and the XP one is turned off.

I have tried different network cards but still get to the same point where i can connect to the modem via network but not the internetl.

I know the connection works as the computer in the study is connected to the router and works fine but win 98


59 posts

266 months

Tuesday 11th November 2003
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couple of possibles then ...

Is it giving you correct DNS entries, check against both machines

are the lan settings on the xp box in IE pointing to a proxy server that doesn't exist

Hope these help



Original Poster:

5,252 posts

278 months

Tuesday 11th November 2003
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Hi no proxy server enabled all on auto like all of the other machines in the house



2,258 posts

270 months

Wednesday 12th November 2003
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Go to trusty cmd prompt and try

"nslookup www.google.co.uk"

Do you get the ip address? If not the the DNS client is not working. Its a service I think so might need starting. There may be other reasons why you are not getting DNS queriess answered as someone touched on before. You should be getting DNS addresses supplied via DHCP.

If you don't get a number then try "ping" if you get replies probably DNS related (IP = www.google.co.uk)

If you do get and IP address back can you ping it via name and via number. If you can then this points to IE being knacked. Can you use other services like mail etc.

This command will show you can get to your ISP outbound mail server.

telnet yourispsmtpservername 25
If you get a banner type quit to disconnect

This will show inbound mail server

telnet yourisppop3servrname 110
If you get a banner type quit to disconnect

Try some of these and post results, we might be able to narrow it down further.


226 posts

295 months

Wednesday 12th November 2003
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I'm far from an expert - - but had some "fun" setting up my router so a few suggestions - try "hard coding" the IP addresses, make sure that you can ping the other PC and router, check set up on NC.

Good luck,



267 posts

295 months

Wednesday 12th November 2003
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I experienced this with a laptop. No way to connect to the internet via network or modem! However I just simply rebuilt system and voila everything worked. It could be possible that a TCPIP or network file has corrupted during the crash. This maybe the quickest option to fix the problem.