a little help here peeps



Original Poster:

3,924 posts

261 months

Monday 10th November 2003
quotequote all
ok, done something "naughty" and downloaded some software.

its gone into a folder, and when i click it it says "unzip" which i do.

cool...but where the heck is it? how do i check if all is well, and indeed use it?

cheers guys


4,546 posts

264 months

Monday 10th November 2003
quotequote all
Have you an 'unzipped' folder?


48,927 posts

259 months

Monday 10th November 2003
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It's most likely in your documents&settings folder.


39,731 posts

295 months

Monday 10th November 2003
quotequote all
Can you remember what it was called? do a search


Original Poster:

3,924 posts

261 months

Monday 10th November 2003
quotequote all
dont have an unzipped folder, just a little paper icon with a folder and some device on it.

this is in the my downloads folder.

its not in my docs and settings either (although i did find some ms pinball!!)



Original Poster:

3,924 posts

261 months

Monday 10th November 2003
quotequote all
will do apache..it was just ms OFFICE xp. took 3 hours aswell...

tut tut, the slowness of internet crime


10,857 posts

278 months

Monday 10th November 2003
quotequote all
Office XP? Thats so last year!


Original Poster:

3,924 posts

261 months

Monday 10th November 2003
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hey, leave off!

all i really want is word. should just do the honest thing and pay for it.


Original Poster:

3,924 posts

261 months

Monday 10th November 2003
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ok...search only found the icon, which leads to an unzipping.

any other suggestions?



Original Poster:

3,924 posts

261 months

Monday 10th November 2003
quotequote all
panic over ive found it!

cheers for the help!!


48,927 posts

259 months

Monday 10th November 2003
quotequote all
You gotta let us know where the little critter was hiding


Original Poster:

3,924 posts

261 months

Monday 10th November 2003
quotequote all
no idea: i searched everywhere. im still looking.

just unzipped again into "program files" and installed it from there.

the original destination was a load of weird numbers and letters

have you seen that episode of the simpsons where homer gets trapped behind the draws/ into the 3rd dimension?...thats where it went..probably.


8,290 posts

259 months

Monday 10th November 2003
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I would advise just a little caution with Microsoft products..... my understanding (from a good friend who works in a senior position at Micro$oft) that they are cracking down on illegal copies of their software....

I'm not trying to scaremonger.... just telling it as I was told.


Original Poster:

3,924 posts

261 months

Monday 10th November 2003
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oh shit meeja!! i forgot to look up that piece of law.

will do now!!


12,425 posts

277 months

Monday 10th November 2003
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I guess what meeja meant is, that it is not transparent what data is submitted, when your o/s is calling home.

Microsoft is very dedicated when it comes to software piracy (obviously, because selling licenses is their core business). I know of no case where private desktop users had been screwed, but the RIAA already started to track down 12yr.-old music file sharing kids.

Again, dragstar, not wanting to here, but I'm sure some other PHers may earn their wages with software licenses.


48,927 posts

259 months

Monday 10th November 2003
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Me! And I was helping Dragstar too - the shame!


Original Poster:

3,924 posts

261 months

Monday 10th November 2003
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i was supposed to help Mr Meeja on another unrelated topic.

seeing him post made me remember.

its all a big mis-understanding.

funny though


12,425 posts

277 months

Monday 10th November 2003
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... and I thought you're being ironic


Original Poster:

3,924 posts

261 months

Monday 10th November 2003
quotequote all


8,290 posts

259 months

Monday 10th November 2003
quotequote all
Dragstar..... you are under no obligation to help! But if you do find the time, it would be much appreciated!

As for tracking down desktop users, no they don't at the moment, but I don't think that it is *that* far away.....