its gone all weird!



Original Poster:

1,693 posts

243 months

Sunday 9th November 2003
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Hi guys
recently loaded this free nemo disk for the kids against my better judgement. The game was fine untill i tried to close it when it started perfoming illegal opperations. I have since uninstalled the disk and now all my toolbar on the right is fuzzy with tiny icons, also the clarity of the screen seems to have got a lot worse with the occcasional lines dashing along the screen. Ive tried adjusting everything in display properties but i can't seem to get the computer back to the way it was. Everything just looks really naff and slightly fuzzy now.
Any advice would be gladly appreciated.


1,893 posts

277 months

Sunday 9th November 2003
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bilko said:
Hi guys
recently loaded this free nemo disk for the kids against my better judgement. The game was fine untill i tried to close it when it started perfoming illegal opperations. I have since uninstalled the disk and now all my toolbar on the right is fuzzy with tiny icons, also the clarity of the screen seems to have got a lot worse with the occcasional lines dashing along the screen. Ive tried adjusting everything in display properties but i can't seem to get the computer back to the way it was. Everything just looks really naff and slightly fuzzy now.
Any advice would be gladly appreciated.

sounds like the game dident like your grafix gard or drivers.

got to the site for you grafix card download the latest drivers and install them and then reboot.