CD burning programs



Original Poster:

18,969 posts

266 months

Saturday 8th November 2003
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I know this is going to be a bad week-end to post, but i'll give it a go anyway. I have some films on my PC that have to be written to CD so i can play it on my DVD player as a VCD. I encoded the files so they are now in MPEG-1, so they should work on the DVD player.

I've tried using my nero 5.5 and when i go to burn it goes through the status bar and says 100% complete and says the CD is finished. Although when i check the CD it's actually blank.

Now could this be a bad version of nero that i have (i acquired it off the internet) or am i doing something wrong, or the file is wrong?

I generally don't like using nero so if anyone can recommend some better program to use i'd appreciate it.

Thanks for any replies.



90,128 posts

295 months

Saturday 8th November 2003
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Do you know that VCD's play on your DVD drive? Most won't no matter what some people may say. It depends on the drive manufacturer (not always the badge name on the front)

PS VCD is crap quality - go DVD.

last post before BT&P - Byeee


2,718 posts

286 months

Saturday 8th November 2003
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Got an official copy of Nero Burning on OEM CD ROM with a new CD writer and had much the same problem. Decided I don't like it much either!

Ended up getting a copy of Adaptec Easy CD Creator to use instead, which was what I got with my original CD writer but it was an old version that wouldn't work with my Windows 98SE. Shows how old it was...

My 'new' version is actually still an old version but one that works with Win 98SE, and like the original it's dead easy to use.

For video and DVD you'll need Easy CD & DVD Creator 6 which I think is the latest version. You can get it from


Original Poster:

18,969 posts

266 months

Saturday 8th November 2003
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I have roxio easy cd creator and i've used it before, and i like it. So i'll get one tonight and give it a go. Thanks for the help, i thought i was going to run out of programs to try.


8,290 posts

259 months

Saturday 8th November 2003
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g4ry13 said:

Now could this be a bad version of nero that i have (i acquired it off the internet) or am i doing something wrong, or the file is wrong?

Apart from me (obviously I'm whiter than white ) does anybody actually buy their software anymore?!


12,425 posts

277 months

Saturday 8th November 2003
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meeja said:
... does anybody actually buy their software anymore?!
I neither buy it, nor steal it


1,893 posts

277 months

Saturday 8th November 2003
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nope I dont bye it

I do bye lots of HARD DRIVEs blank cdrs and dvdr- disks

ps never had a problem with nero.

screw convertion them to vcd vcds are crap get a dvd burnner and convert to dvds