PC memory - Compaq Dekspro PII 400MHz

PC memory - Compaq Dekspro PII 400MHz



Original Poster:

31 posts

257 months

Friday 7th November 2003
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I need to buy some memory for a friends PC and she's clueless and can't be persuaded to lift the lid and look inside for me. She has a Compaq Deskpro EN 400/100 with the PII 400 chip. Currently only has 32Mb which is probably all in 1 DIMM.

Quick check on Compaq's website puts this as a motherboard with 3 slots for DIMM's but tracking down whether I need PC64 or PC100 memory is the problem. If I just buy PC100 will it work anyway or does it have to be correct? It also says it has to be CL2 or CL3 - isn't all memory like this anyway? I want to buy it in advance and take it with me to install rather than looking at what's installed before ordering.

Anyone know the cheapest source for 256Mb of Ram for her PC?

Thanks for any info.



17 posts

258 months

Sunday 9th November 2003
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I'm not sure what memory you need but the cheapest place to get it is a computer fair if you can get to one (www.computerfairs.co.uk/). Other than that Kingston might be your best bet. (www.kingston.com/ukroot/) You can search for the exact PC and they make recommendations on the spec you need.




16,442 posts

272 months

Monday 10th November 2003
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If its a choice of PC66 or PC100, just buy the PC100 as it will be happy to run at the slower speed.

Oh, and use the memory selector at Crucial:

Compaq Deskpro

If you pick the correct model PC, they'll guarrantee that it will work (or your money back).