Making Sales Happy in Hard Times

Making Sales Happy in Hard Times



Original Poster:

696 posts

271 months

Friday 7th November 2003
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I have got to put together a brief to announce a price increase of our products, to the Sales Department. What positive bullet points can I make that will not make them all feel disheartened. The price rise is in line with other companies prices and have already stated this. Please Help!!


20,854 posts

286 months

Friday 7th November 2003
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Er - their commission goes up?


Original Poster:

696 posts

271 months

Friday 7th November 2003
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But it doesn't! I mean on the lines of, this is good for the company, your top sellers etc. All that kind of thing?


874 posts

279 months

Friday 7th November 2003
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Increase in cost of product means they have to sell less in numbers to reach target revenue.


6,442 posts

280 months

Saturday 8th November 2003
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Instead of selling the cheapest/most cost effective product, they now sell the most expensive/desirable/quality one?


78,056 posts

293 months

Saturday 8th November 2003
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"sell it or we're buggered"?


874 posts

279 months

Tuesday 11th November 2003
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"sell it your your career's buggerd" ?