Decent free/eval anti-virus?



Original Poster:

48,927 posts

259 months

Thursday 6th November 2003
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Can anyone recommend some? I do have AV installed but it's quite old now and doesn't seem to do the job.

When I log on to my Win2000 Pro machine it takes up to 30secs to connect me to my NTL broadband - before it didn't take anytime.

I installed StartPage Guard as per another thread and it's warning me that something is up when I log on. Plus when I log off it takes another 30secs or so to save my configurations...

Any advice appreciated


67,280 posts

281 months

Thursday 6th November 2003
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2,258 posts

270 months

Thursday 6th November 2003
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AVG from
Avast from

I have used AVG and it seems stable and gets updated regularly. I haven't tried Avast but it seems to have a reasonable feature list. I know someone who uses it and he has no complaints so far after a few months.


10,430 posts

259 months

Thursday 6th November 2003
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I use AVG as well, apparently misses out on some virii, but has stood me well since I started using it!


Original Poster:

48,927 posts

259 months

Thursday 6th November 2003
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Clean! - any suggestions as to the behaviour?


5,160 posts

270 months

Thursday 6th November 2003
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I would also recommend AVG from grisoft, I also had heard something about it missing some "viri" but the updates are the same as for the paid for corporate version - I've been running it for some 3-4 years and have yet to be infected (and it has caught a few).



Boosted LS1

21,198 posts

271 months

Thursday 6th November 2003
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My pc has been getting very slow to open O/E. So is this likely to be due to all the spam bars that I've added to my Norton A/virus?

I too installed Start Page Guard the other day and it warned there had been a page change but after I checked it, it settled down and now it's fine.


3,116 posts

269 months

Sunday 9th November 2003
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I was using AVG until a friend gave me a copy of his norton antivirus 2003, First time I ran it ,It picked up 8 trojans, hence dont use AVG anymore


Original Poster:

48,927 posts

259 months

Tuesday 11th November 2003
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Thanks a lot for the AVG suggestion! I did get hit by a virus today, and it cleaned up 2 others that Symantec missed!

Between my firewall and now AVG we got it licked