Upgrading MSHTML.DLL



Original Poster:

27,281 posts

273 months

Thursday 6th November 2003
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Bit of advice needed from the IE experts...

We have a problem with a bit of XML/Javascript code running on IE5.5 on Windows 98. Basically, certain navigation commands cause a crash. We have "solved" this by upgrading the version of MSHTML.DLL to the one deployed within IE6.0 - in other words forcibly overwriting the existing version with the newer one.

I'm a bit nervous that we may screw up all sorts of other things by doing this.

Anyone got any experience of doing this, or any definite warnings relating to doing it (other than that it's not a great way to go about things...)

BTW - upgrading to IE6 is not an option as the customer has 3000+ dealers and they don't want to force them to upgrade (even though common sense says "it's free, just go get it"...


67,280 posts

281 months

Thursday 6th November 2003
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Tricky one really.

MSHTML is right at the top and the browser bits include it.

Replacing this component into older versions is going to create errors that probably wont be immediately apparent.

If you are rolling this out to 3000 odd users I would make sure that you have run it in captivity so to speak for at least a week and tried a lot of IE features.