conecting to the net via GPRS



Original Poster:

1,281 posts

268 months

Wednesday 5th November 2003
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Im stuck...
I have got a phone that has bluetooth and GPRS, and a GPRS 'dongle' to connect it to my pc. The can see each other, I can use the mobile to dial up using the phone 'line'. But, how do I connect using GPRS? under internet connections there are no options saying connect using gprs via bluetooth, or anything similar.
any suggestions?
Im using win 2000, but can change to XP with a few mouse clicks.


2,258 posts

270 months

Wednesday 5th November 2003
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Give us some clues. Mobile type/netowrk operator. We've only done it with a couple of Nokia's here on O2.


Original Poster:

1,281 posts

268 months

Thursday 6th November 2003
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orange pay monthly 200
sony ericsson T610
Bluetooth thing by InstantPan

(until its working properly PH is too slow to use)


521 posts

261 months

Friday 7th November 2003
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With my blutooth software (the stuff that came with the belkin adapter), you can set up a bluetooth modem. set the dial number to *99# (which is the GPRS dial in number), it worked for my orange phone.
hope that helps.


120 posts

276 months

Friday 7th November 2003
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Are you sure that Orange have enabled your GPRS service ? When I first got my SPV they forgot, which caused quite a bit of head-scratching.


Original Poster:

1,281 posts

268 months

Saturday 8th November 2003
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tigers6 said:
With my blutooth software (the stuff that came with the belkin adapter), you can set up a bluetooth modem. set the dial number to *99# (which is the GPRS dial in number), it worked for my orange phone.
hope that helps.

thats exactly what i needed (THE NUMBER) cheers,
thanks a lot