sparkyjohn said:
Would a DNS hack leave the homepage standing yet the email and payment systems down ?
Yes it could, as the payment and admin systems are on seperate sub-domains.
What is really pissing me off is that there has been absolutely no word from them since lunchtime yesterday, nothing, not a dicky, diddly squat, WTF are they playing at
>> Edited by dontlift on Wednesday 5th November 11:02
bbc said:
The internet payment system Worldpay is under hack attack from unknown assailants, hitting hundreds of online retailers around the world.
The company's payment and administration networks have been flooded with computer-generated requests, clogging the system and slowing transactions - also known as a "denial-of-service" attack.
Worldpay is owned by the Royal Bank of Scotland Group. Its clients include Vodafone and Sony Music Entertainment, but many small online retailers as well.
The company said the bombardment started early on Tuesday and is still going on.
The security of the payments and administration system had not been compromised, said Carolyn McAdam, a Worldpay spokesperson.
"The system has been flooded on a massive scale," Ms McAdam told BBC News Online. "We have been working flat out and have been since the incident. We hope to have it sorted out in the course of today."
PetrolTed said:
bbc said:
The internet payment system Worldpay is under hack attack from unknown assailants, hitting hundreds of online retailers around the world.
The company's payment and administration networks have been flooded with computer-generated requests, clogging the system and slowing transactions - also known as a "denial-of-service" attack.
Worldpay is owned by the Royal Bank of Scotland Group. Its clients include Vodafone and Sony Music Entertainment, but many small online retailers as well.
The company said the bombardment started early on Tuesday and is still going on.
The security of the payments and administration system had not been compromised, said Carolyn McAdam, a Worldpay spokesperson.
"The system has been flooded on a massive scale," Ms McAdam told BBC News Online. "We have been working flat out and have been since the incident. We hope to have it sorted out in the course of today."
Ah good old DOS attack

Just got this...
WorldPay said:
Both our payment and administration systems remain unobtainable following a
coordinated effort by a third party. The payment and administration systems
are actually working, safe and secure, but the networks around them have
been flooded with requests on a massive computer generated scale causing
service denials. Please accept our apologies and an official email
containing all details will be sent to day as soon as possible.
PetrolTed said:
Just got this...
WorldPay said:
Both our payment and administration systems remain unobtainable following a
coordinated effort by a third party. The payment and administration systems
are actually working, safe and secure, but the networks around them have
been flooded with requests on a massive computer generated scale causing
service denials. Please accept our apologies and an official email
containing all details will be sent to day as soon as possible.
Yep I just got the same mail, at least they have decided to communicate. does not look like this will be over very quickly though
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